Nollywood leading actress, Rita Dominic has broken away from her normal routine of acting to romance politics in the heat of the around-the-corner presidential election. In a letter she wrote to her fans, Rita explained why she and her company, Audrey Silva, a company she co-owns with her manager, Midred Okwo, shot a video to support President Goodluck Jonathan re-election bid.
According to her, President Goodluck Jonathan has done more for Nollywood than any Nigerian President in history.
“I want to let everybody know that I will be supporting and voting for President Goodluck Jonathan. I am making this decision because he has affected my immediate constituency which is Nollywood more than any president in the history of Nigeria. He has built roads, Benin- Ore road, Ibadan- Lagos road which is near completion, federal universities in almost all the states of the federation, maintaining peace in the Niger-Delta, resuscitation of the railways and a couple of other things. And I have a strong conviction beyond reasonable doubt that Jonathan will lead us to a very good place” she posits.
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