Trump Has ‘Weird Fascination’ With Dictators- Clinton

US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has accused his Republican rival Donald Trump of having a “weird fascination with dictators.”

Speaking at a rally in Akron, Ohio, on Monday night, Clinton bashed Trump over his admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“He gets confused between leadership and dictatorship. He has a hard time remembering who our friends are and who are adversaries are. He has a weird fascination with dictators like Vladimir Putin,” she told her supporters.

Clinton said Trump “basically signs up for Putin’s wish list,” echoing the Democratic claim that, if elected, the New York businessman will bow to Moscow’s will.

“We have a lot of people living in this part of Ohio who, either themselves, their parents, or grandparents, came from countries that were under the yoke of oppression. And we are never going to let that happen again,” the former secretary of state said, while taking an indirect swipe at Russia.

Trump has long been accused by his opponents of, as The New York Times puts it, having a “crush” on Putin, an idea that gained more traction after he praised the Russian leader on several occasions during the primary race.

Read More: presstv

North Korea Confirms Executing Its Defence Chief Over Argument With President

 North Korean military chiefs have confirmed that they brutally executed the country’s defence chief using a massive anti-aircraft gun at close range. Seoul’s National Intelligence Service told lawmakers that People’s Armed Forces Minister Hyon Yong Chol was killed by anti-aircraft gunfire in May on charges of disloyalty to leader Kim Jong Un.

It is understood that the 66-year-old defence chief had talked back to Kim during a gathering of top ranking officials, openly complained about the dictator’s policies and fell asleep during meetings.

Over the weekend, the country’s official Korean Central News Agency named army general Pak Yong Sik as the armed forces minister in a dispatch about a meeting with a Lao military delegation.

South Korean Unification Ministry spokesman Jeong Joon-Hee yesterday told reporters that this confirmed Hyon’s replacement and purging.

Hyon, who was named head of North Korea’s military in 2012, was killed in front of hundreds of bloodthirsty officials at a military camp in the capital Pyongyang.

Hyon Yong-Chol is the latest in a long line of officials and aides to fall victim to North Korea’s trigger-happy president.

Since he rose to power in 2011, more than 70 officials have been purged by Kim Jong-un

Telegraph UK Praises Sahara Reporter’s Journalist For Thrashing President Mugabe

Compared to the BBC’s John Simpson or CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, Adeola Fayehun from Nigeria is not exactly a global name in the world of television reporting. This week, though, she made broadcasting history as she did something that all few African reporters have ever dared do: ask one their ageing dictators when the hell he is going to quit.

As this video from Ms Fayehun’s TV channel shows, the feisty reportress ambushed Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe during a visit to Nigeria last weekend, asking the 91-year-old: “Are you going to step down?”

To the fury of his assorted security goons, she then refused to go away as they tried to push past her, repeating the onslaught like an African Jeremy Paxman. “Mr president, don’t you think that it’s time
you step down sir, so you can rest? When will there be change in Zimbabwe, sir? Is there democracy in Zimbabwe?”

Footage of her grilling of Mr Mugabe has now become a viral hit on among internet users in Africa, for whom it’s all too rare to see a leader publicly challenged in such fashion.

Yet while it may seem like nothing more than a piece of entertaining televisual theatre, take it from me, this kind of buttonholing takes quite a bit of guts. Waylaying any head of state is a nerve wracking enough experience at the best of times, and when it’s someone like Mugabe, there is every chance of a roughing up if he doesn’t like the drift of the questions (remember the vicious beating that his bodyguards once gave to the gay rights activist Peter Tatchell).

Not only that, in many parts of Africa, reporters can also find themselves arrested if they pull stunts like the ones Ms Fayehun did, especially if their target is a visiting heads of state. It hopefully says much about press freedoms in Nigeria these days that the Nigerian police did not apparently see fit to intervene – and that they let reporters near Mr Mugabe in the first place.

Indeed, at the risk of perhaps reading too much into it, this little episode says much about the changing politics of Africa in the 21st century. On the one hand you have countries like Nigeria, which despite its many problems, has just completed yet another relatively peaceful election, where the outgoing president has handed power without a fuss to his successor, Muhammadu Buhari. And on the other, there are still Cold War era gerontocrats like Mugabe clinging to power in the likes of Zimbabwe.