Radio Biafra to go live in America – Leonard Anemene

Radio Biafra will go live in America from Sunday, Leonard Anemene, a leader of the organisation, said in a statement issued on Friday.

Anemene said but for some challenges, the project would have been out earlier.

He did not say the exact location where the station will be operating from.

“On the 12th of January 2017, the leadership of IPOB in unison with the leader, deputy leader and the Directorate of State (DOS), decided to expand the broadcasting services of the Biafran struggle through the creation of a new broadcasting service in the Americas,” he said.

“So, a live broadcast of Radio Biafra International (RBi) from the Americas has been imminent for a very long time now but was delayed due to logistic bottlenecks.

“However, we are proud to announce to you all today, that we are going live on air on Sunday, the 19th of March, 2017 with a maiden broadcast, starting from 10.00 am Biafra time.”

In July, the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) jammed Radio Biafra signals as a result of inciting messages transmitted by the station.

“Right now the signals from radio Biafra have been jammed successfully by the NBC,” she had told state house correspondents in Abuja.

“The commission is also working with security agencies to get those that are behind that radio because it is an illegal radio. It is not licensed by anybody to be on the airwave in Nigeria.”

But dismissing the claim, the station said the federal government cannot silence it.

“NBC lied to their master. Radio Biafra is live in BiafraLand. They cannot even ban our local station, do they even know we also transmit via satellite and online as well,” the group said in a statement.

Nnamdi Kanu, a director of the station, is currently in custody of the Department of State Services (DSS).

Last month, a court ruled that he should be tried for treason.


Source: The Cable

Trump’s Philosophy And Greatness For America Is Delusional, Myopic, And Dangerous – By Dr. Wumi Akintide

You can only solve a problem you fully understand. I am not so sure that Trump fully understands the true meaning and importance of governing a complex country like America and making peace with his critics if the word “enemy” is just too strong.

There is no question that Trump is a very smart man, but like Adolf Hitler, he is a devil in his heart. He thoroughly understands the twists and turns of running a business which is based on competition and survival of the fittest.

He knows how to navigate his way in business and how to cheat, manipulate or cut the throat of his competitors or workers to get to where he needs to be as a filthy-rich multi-millionaire, even though his personal wealth and assets may be wildly exaggerated.

All he is now selling is his name or brand. He has now been given the highest platform in the world to do that as President of the United States. The man would live and die in an abominable conflict of interest never before seen in any American president. The American presidency is now up for sale to the highest bidder, I can tell you that.

Trump’s approach to business is totally devoid of any conscience or feeling of guilt. He will rob Peter to pay Paul in most of his transactions and business dealings across the board, if he needs to, because that has been his life from the “get go.”

He is a very resourceful builder who could buy a decrepit building for a chicken change, refurbish it and later sell it for ten times the amount he bought it. He once bought a building for $100 million in Manhattan and sold it for $500 million in New York, the real estate capital of the world a few years later. He is a major player in the world of shady business and he is proud of it.

Trump knows how to cut corners and how to avoid paying taxes on most of his assets or getting waivers from paying state or federal taxes for close to 20 years. Spiro Agnew, former Vice President to Richard Nixon, went to jail for tax evasion, but not so for Donald Trump, the artful dodger.

That was how the man made his money by taking undue advantage of the government and American tax payers. He is the best friend and admirer of Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un of North Korea today and he has made no bones about it because the two leaders are his role models. If you think Trump idolizes Abraham Lincoln by giving a sharp salute to his statue in Washington DC, you simply don’t know the Trump. He believed he could get away with “grabbing pussies” and even with murder as a celebrity. Because he regularly breaks the laws himself, he knows how to catch or set traps for outlaws like him out there.

A slave owner like President Lincoln who led the battle to free up all black slaves in America can never be Trump’s role model. I don’t care about his public display of respect and admiration for Abe Lincoln. If he truly means it, he would long have kept his distance from villains like David Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan leader, and his band of terrorists and racial bigots in America and he won’t be talking about protectionism and isolationism the passionate way he has done in the greatest speech of his life.

I see no guarantee he would not do worse as president of the United States. He has openly admitted he would be the first candidate, win or lose, to make a profit out of running for president of the United States.

That statement was bad enough to sink the political fortunes of any other candidate in America. He even had the effrontery to openly embrace Vladimir Putin and beg him to help him hack and retrieve all of the 30,000 e-mails he falsely alleged to have been destroyed by Hillary Clinton.

The 538 wise men and women in the Electoral College still went ahead to make him president, even though they knew he lost the popular vote by the highest margin of 2.86 million, a first in American history.

I have to believe that America was hypnotized to do what she did by the Russian espionage machine which was fully deployed to help Trump win, just like the CIA had once helped Gorbachev to win at the Kremlin. It was pay-back time for Vladimir Putin and he did it with flawless speed and accuracy. America is just too embarrassed to admit the coup but sooner or later the truth shall make them free.

Donald Trump did not acknowledge in his inaugural address the presence of Hillary Clinton who beat him by close to 3 million votes, but the tigress of a woman was still courageous, magnanimous and patriotic enough to accept his invitation and to show up. Donald Trump gave the false impression he wanted to consider Mitt Romney for the job of Secretary of State. He did it to openly rubbish and ridicule Mitt Romney. Anikulapo Kuti the Nigerian Afro Calypso genius was thinking of Donald Trump when he composed his block buster CD titled, “I no be gentleman at all.”

Former Governor of Ondo State and a member of the PDP Board of Trustees, Olabode George, once threatened that if Jonathan lost the May 29, 2015 election in Nigeria he would go into a voluntary exile elsewhere.

I am tempted to say the same thing about a Donald Trump victory, but I can’t. I cannot say it because I am not sick in the head or delusional and because I know the question would then arise as to where I might relocate to?

I have traveled quite a bit around the world in my capacity as the Secretary to the Joint Economic Commission of Nigeria with the rest of the world. I have searched high and low but still could not find another country greater and better than America. There is no other country I like as much as America.

I see America as the New Canaan and the New Jerusalem that my people in Akure used to sing about. “Ebi npani l’aiye ko si l’Orun rere, Jerusalem O.” Every Christian in Nigeria prays to go to Jerusalem because they think Jerusalem is Paradise.

The first time I visited Israel and Jerusalem, I came to realize I have been misled by my own people. America to me is the new Canaan and the promised land that the Bible talks so much about and not the current Israel which is perpetually in a state of war and is surrounded by enemies left, right and center.

That is why many more Jews live and prosper in America today than those who live at home. Donald Trump will be compounding the Arab provocation by encouraging his new Ambassador to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as soon as Trump takes office.

In that pronouncement lies the seed of another major war in that volatile region because the Jews by building more settlements in Gaza and the West Bank are actively dispossessing the Palestinians of more of their own land as we speak with criminal impunity and total encouragement of President Trump.

If Christians pray from now to eternity, the pronouncement made by President Trump can only aggravate the tension between the Palestinians and the Jews and lead to more bloodshed in that volatile region. It does not take a Houdini to know that. America is going on a very slippery road with Donald Trump as the new President. America and Israel must brace for more terrorist attacks if Trump implements his agenda in that region.

That awareness makes me sick to my stomach because I love and treasure America. Left to me alone America does not belong only to the European Americans and the Native Americans, the original owners of the land who now live in concentrated reservations across the country.

I do not subscribe to the kite flown by Donald Trump in his inaugural address last Friday that America should now look more inward to make America great again. I totally disagree with his campaign of calumny that America under Obama has been less great and less secure.

If America truly deserves her reputation as God’s own country by acclamation and consensus then it belongs to all of us, Jews and Gentiles, black and white, rich and poor and minority and majority immigrants from all over the world because America at her core is the quintessential nation of immigrants and the shining city on the hill that Ronald Reagan rightly called her.

We all might have come in different boats to this country, but we are all in the same boat now as reminded us by the great Martin Luther King.

Crazy Donald Trump, the son of an immigrant from Germany, is wrong and totally wrong to imply or insinuate that America belongs to white Americans first and foremost. I say “foul over the bar” like they say in soccer.

America, the New Canaan, belongs to the whole world.

America belongs to you and me and to our children and to generations of our grandchildren born and raised in this country. As long as America remains the leader of the free world, the gospel according to Donald Trump as enunciated in his inaugural address last Friday is dead on arrival.

It cannot fly because it is based on a wrong premise. I prefer America as conceived by Abe Lincoln, FDR and JFK and great Presidents like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama who plead for an America which is not based on protectionism and isolationism like the one canvassed by Donald Trump.

Donald Trump wants to impersonate FDR and Winston Churchill. He wants to create a new order in the world to replace or substantially modify the existing order which give birth to the United Nations, NATO, the European Union, the World Bank, the IMF to mention a few.

Donald wants renegotiate the terms and conditions of trade treaties like NAFTA and TPP on the assumption they are not sufficiently serving the best interest of America as the only surviving super power.

He wants to borrow a script from the play book of Communist countries like Russia and China which are not totally happy that all of those institutions were the brain child of America and her allies. Russia and China could benefit the most if those institutions were to be taken apart rather than simply consolidated here and there by America like Trump is doing to Obamacare by repealing it altogether. A total repeal makes no sense.

I could trust more disciplined and more stable and wiser American leaders to lead such an effort but never a Donald Trump with his shoot-from- the-hip kind of approach to solving serious and complex problems.

If the Donald Trump is that wise and intelligent, he would not have filed for 6 major bankruptcies and would never have failed to release his tax returns till now, so we could all get to know the reality, the depth and the purity of his business ethics and a lot more about his integrity.

Americans are being made to buy a pig in the poke by electing Donald Trump who is just too scared and petrified to let Americans into the secret of his success as a businessman and right now as the new President of America. He is like a job applicant who went into an intensive and protracted job interview but refusing to answer to any questions raised on his padded resume.

Donald Trump would not release his tax returns up till now and he has got a free ride to the White House by breaking all the rules and cajoling Americans to just trust him but not verify his credentials as demanded by Ronald Reagan.

He remains to me a con artist per excellence who has survived thus far thru a combination of factors including a little help from the KGB and Vladimir Putin and an insider job from the FBI Director James Comey to find his way to the White House.

Sooner or later the truth shall come out but it would be too little too late but it could well end or rubbish and tarnish his Presidency forever. I see a worse caricature of Richard Nixon in Donald Trump. I express all these fears as a naturalized American and as the father of 2 young Americans proudly serving in the US Navy and making a huge difference as we speak

I have sacrificed more for America than the man who has just been elected the 45th President of the United States and who wants to put in jeopardy the work of 44 Presidents before him by pretending he wants to chart a new course for America without counting the cost or doing his homework, and without any sober reflections on history as his moral compass.

The Republicans are now jumping into his band wagon not because they are not scared by some of his rhetoric and goals and his dubious ethics. They are embracing him today because he has paved the way for them to regain the White House by all means. They are embracing him because they all want to discredit and delegitimize Obama and not give him credit for anything the young man has done in his 8 glorious years in the White House.

If Trump and the Republicans have their way, they would gladly resurrect Osama Bin Laden today and kill him one more time because they do not want a black President to earn or claim the everlasting credit for making history like that. That is why Donald trump is now talking of wiping out ISIS from the surface of the Earth – a euphemism for trying to re-enact the myth of Osama Bin Laden.

I will end this article the same way I started it. Trump’s definition of American greatness is delusional, myopic, dangerous and totally unattainable.

America is impoverished and diminished when America is isolated from the rest of the world, much like China, Japan and Russia used to be before they realized damn too late that isolationism and protectionism did not serve their best interest.

Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger opened up China for that reason before Nixon was forced to resign from the Presidency. Russia went to Afghanistan to break the logjam of American domination of the Indian region. Russia went to Cuba, Venezuela and Syria today for the same reason.  China is currently making inroads right now to Africa for the same reason.

The rail road transportation and the airports and agrarian revolution in Nigeria and Sudan and other countries in Africa are now in the hands of the Chinese. They are actively challenging America in Africa.  Russian Vladimir Putin in particular is making some inroads to Africa to create a level playing field with America around the world and to find their own Gorbachev in Donald Trump.

Donald Trump saying America should pay attention to America first and foremost and not support the other nations like she used to do as the senior partner and ally is a huge retrogression for America because no nation under the sun however powerful can ever solve world problem thru isolation and intimidation like the one canvassed by Donald Trump.

The Obama approach and the Obama definition of Greatness for America are far more superior and durable and attainable than anything Donald Trump is offering. That is the bitter truth that Donald Trump and his supporters across the country don’t want to hear as they embark on their one way ticket journey to oblivion.

I rest my case.

Donald Trump preaches ‘buy America’ – but his hats were made in China

One of the biggest cheers President Donald Trump received from supporters watching his inaugural address on Friday was his call to “buy American and hire American.”

It was a moment rich in irony.

Many of those supporters were sporting Trump’s trademark red ‘Make America Great Again’ baseball caps that were made in China, Vietnam and Bangladesh.

Some were horrified when they discovered their Trump hats were foreign made.

Rob Walker, 44, who had driven to Washington from Georgia with his wife Abby, 36, had stopped at a truck stop on the way to buy a ‘Make America Great Again’ cap.

“Oh God, I hope it’s not made in China,” Abby said, flipping the cap over to check. She looked at its label. “China! Don’t tell anyone!”

“The Trump hats available for purchase on Trump’s official campaign website are made in the United States and cost between $25 and $30,” according to the label inside those caps.

But they are also more expensive than the $20 versions sold by street vendors in Washington on Friday.

Joshua Rojas, 25 and Alyssa Young, 28, had traveled from Texas to watch the inauguration. Young was wearing a pink ‘Make America Great Again’ hat.

“I loved it as soon as I saw it. I bought it right over there from one of the vendors for $20,” she said.

So was it made in America?

“I don’t know where it was made actually,” Young said. “Let me check.” She took off the hat to check the label.  “Oh no,” she cried. “It’s made in Vietnam!”

Austin Araco, 22, from Arkansas, was attending his first inauguration and wearing a Trump hat.

“I bought this hat the day he won the election,” said Araco. “From his website, of course. I wanted to make sure I supported his fund. I don’t want to buy a knock-off. I bought the hat for $30, shipping included.”

Victoria Scott, 13 and her brother Andrew Scott, 12, each bought a ‘Make America Great Again’ hat before the inauguration. Victoria’s hat cost $25 – and was made in China.

She did not seem to mind.

Andrew then checked his hat. “Bangladesh?” he said after checking the tag. His father corrected him. “You mean Bangladesh.”

Robert Morrison from Queens, New York, was carrying his ‘Make America Great Again’ hat – bought from a street vendor for $20 – and wearing a New York Yankees cap. Both were made in China.

In his speech, Trump struck a fiery, protectionist tone.

“From this moment on, it’s going to be America First,” he said. “We will follow two simple rules: Buy American and hire American.”


Source: The Cable

Lagos and America are birds of the same arrogance – By Fu’ad Lawal

Secondary School geography says America is the name of two continents, North and South America. In real life, it’s the United States of America.

We know Lagos is doing fine, compared to the rest of Nigeria. The GDP of Lagos alone is Kenya’s sugar daddy goals. We are the rich uncle of West Africa, and clearly, an African culture powerhouse. Heck, there is a thing as ‘Nigerian accent’, ask Sauti Sol.

Let’s play a little game of Compare.

Some guys in The Abroad did a poll; they were asking if America should go bomb Agrabah. 57% weren’t sure, but 30% were like BOMMBBB THEM!

Here’s the fun part. No real person lives in Agrabah. That’s because Agrabah it’s where Disney’s Aladdin lives. Duh-uh.

The Lagos arrogance is not that different and looks like this tweet.


But it’s a free world, so this person has the right to their opinion. Never mind that Prof. Umar Maryah of the University of Maiduguri has tried to get it into our thick skulls that Sambisa is sixty times the size of Lagos.

Yes, we forget, but Lagos really is a claustrophobic one-thousand-square-kilometre piece of land.

This is the arrogance that makes you forget that Nigeria doesn’t begin and end in the smallest state in Nigeria, or the type that makes you forget that Ibadan is only 11% of Oyo State. Or the one that makes you think everybody after Ore in Ondo State is Igbo. Or the type that makes you forget that the North is not Hausaria.

There are talented people outside Lagos too, and not all of them come to Lagos to blow. There are designers, artists musicians, programmers, and everyone else you can imagine.

Ah, the immigration part.

America is the land of opportunity, like Lagos. Donald Trump, whose ancestors are German, thinks some people like him have more right to America than he does. How familiar.

Remember in 2015 when some people thought it was a great idea to throw people in the Lagoon if they worked against what they perceived to be the “best interests of Lagos”?

Remember when some people thought hawkers should be kicked out of Lagos because they can’t follow all of Lagos’ rules and because they “aren’t really Lagosians”?

Here’s the fun fact,

Most of you are as Lagosian as Trump is American. Most of your grand-daddies and mummies came from their little villages looking for greener pastures in Lagos, like a huge chunk of those hawkers, who were probably born in Lagos.

And if you think being Yoruba gives you some right to Lagos, you better be Awori, because they were here long before you got here. Back when they still had to pay taxes to the Oba of Benin, who sent his son down to rule Lagos as the first Oba.

Ah, you didn’t know that, did you?

While this arrogance is not so with all Lagosians, it is ingrained in its culture. It’s in how you look at JJCs, how you think it can’t be good if it’s not Lagos-certified.

Lagos, like America, was built by all types of people, from all types of places, including those places we think less off. So yes, maybe Lagos really is the Centre of Excellence where all the greatness is Nigeria is born and bred.

My people beyond that Berger bus stop, there’s a whole new world out there, and while you might be shocked to know this, it’s not all bush.

Ten years after, CIA agent who grilled Saddam Hussein says US was wrong about him

I had been up for 27 hours and was flat-out exhausted, but the news sent jolts of adrenaline through me like I’d never experienced before.

A Special Forces team hunting the man we called High Value Target No 1 had pulled someone from a hole in the ground. He answered the description.

And my bosses at the CIA were grilling me, the expert.

Could this burly, unkempt man truly be Saddam Hussein, the ruthless dictator of Iraq? The most wanted man in the world?

 Could this burly, unkempt man truly be Saddam Hussein, the ruthless dictator of Iraq? The most wanted man in the world?

Could this burly, unkempt man truly be Saddam Hussein, the ruthless dictator of Iraq? The most wanted man in the world?

It was December 13, 2003, and I’d been in Iraq for eight weeks – a CIA analyst looking for leads that might take us to Saddam and his notorious henchmen. That was when I was called to see Buzzy Krongard, the CIA’s executive director.

The war to topple the regime had been going for nearly nine months, yet when it came to Saddam, all we’d turned up were ‘Elvis sightings’, as we called them. Until, that is, troops searching a farm near Saddam’s home village of Tikrit found a large bearded man concealed in a tiny underground bunker.

Now a group of senior officers were quizzing me in Krongard’s office; how, they asked, would I make a definitive identification? I told them about the tribal tattoos on Saddam’s right hand and wrist, the bullet scar on his left leg and that his lower lip tended to droop to one side, something I picked up from studying videotapes.

Krongard interrupted me: ‘We need to make sure this is Saddam and not one of those body doubles.’

The myth – and it was a myth – that Saddam maintained multiple lookalikes was a source of wry amusement to those of us who worked in intelligence, but I decided silence was the better part of valour and started compiling a list of questions only the dictator could answer.

The military was flying the putative Saddam to Baghdad airport that night and it was decided we’d make the identification there.

In late 2007, I was summoned to give a detailed presentation to George W. Bush at the Oval Office. What kind of a man had Saddam been, he asked me?

In late 2007, I was summoned to give a detailed presentation to George W. Bush at the Oval Office. What kind of a man had Saddam been, he asked me?

At midnight, after a long wait, the convoy was ready. Men in night-vision goggles drove us at 100mph down the Airport Road, a no-go zone at night. At the airport, a side road led to a series of low-slung blockhouses that once housed Saddam’s Special Republican Guard. Inside, I found pandemonium and another wait until finally a GI said, ‘OK, guys. You’re up.’

Suddenly the door opened and I immediately found myself sucking in air. There he was, sitting on a metal folding chair, wearing a white dishdasha robe and blue quilted windbreaker.

There was no denying that the man had charisma. He was big – 6ft 1in – and thickly built. Even as a prisoner who was certain to be executed, he exuded an air of importance.

I spoke first through a translator. ‘I have some questions I’d like to ask you, and you are to answer them truthfully. Do you understand?’

Saddam nodded. ‘When was the last time you saw your sons alive?’

I expected Saddam to be defiant, but I was taken aback by the aggression of his reply: ‘Who are you guys? Are you military intelligence? Mukhabarat [civilian intelligence]? Answer me. Identify yourselves!’

I noted his tribal tattoos and that his mouth drooped. Now I needed to see his bullet wound.

There was so much we wanted to know. How had he escaped from Baghdad? Who had helped him? He would not say, answering only the questions he wanted to.

‘Why don’t you ask me about politics? You could learn a lot from me,’ he barked. He was especially vocal on the rough treatment he’d received from the troops who brought him in, launching a long diatribe.

I was incredulous. Here was a man who didn’t think twice about killing his own people complaining about a few scratches. He lifted his dishdasha to show the damage to his left leg. I saw an old scar. Was it the bullet wound, I asked him. He assented with a grunt – the final piece of proof. We’d got him.

Capturing Saddam was all very well, but now we had to get to the truth about his regime, and in particular the weapons of mass destruction that had been the pretext for the invasion. His response was simply to mock us.

Former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein moments after his capture by US forces

Former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein moments after his capture by US forces.

‘You found a traitor who led you to Saddam Hussein. Isn’t there one traitor who can tell you where the WMDs are?’ He warmed to the subject, saying Americans were a bunch of ignorant hooligans who did not understand Iraq and were intent on its destruction.

‘Iraq is not a terrorist nation,’ he said. ‘We did not have a relationship with (Osama) bin Laden, and did not have weapons of mass destruction… and were not a threat to our neighbours. But the American President [George W Bush] said Iraq wanted to attack his daddy and said we had ‘weapons of mass destruction.’

Ignoring his goading, we asked Saddam if he’d ever considered using WMDs pre-emptively against US troops in Saudi Arabia. ‘We never thought about using weapons of mass destruction. It was not discussed. Use chemical weapons against the world? Is there anyone with full faculties who would do this? Who would use these weapons when they had not been used against us?’

This was not what we had expected to hear. How, then, had America got it so wrong?

Saddam had an answer: ‘The spirit of listening and understanding was not there – I don’t exclude myself from this blame.’ It was a rare acknowledgment that he could have done more to create a clearer picture of Iraq’s intentions.

Was he playing with us, twisting the truth to spare his pride?

Debriefing The President: The Interrogation Of Saddam Hussein, by John Nixon, is published on December 29 by Bantam Press at £16.99

Debriefing The President: The Interrogation Of Saddam Hussein, by John Nixon, is published on December 29 by Bantam Press at £16.99

I asked about his notorious use of chemical weapons against the Kurdish city of Halabja during the Iran-Iraq war. He became furious. ‘I am not afraid of you or your president. I will do what I have to do to defend my country!’

Then he turned to me and sneered: ‘But I did not make that decision.’

We decided to close the briefing. As Saddam left the room, he glared at me. I have annoyed quite a few people in my life, but no one has ever looked at me with such murderous loathing.

My superiors were delighted at the progress we were making, yet something nagged at me about the exchange. My gut told me that there was some truth in what Saddam had said. He was incensed about Halabja. Not because his officers had used chemical weapons – he showed no remorse – but because it had given Iran a propaganda field day.

It was not the only thing that would surprise me. For example, in my years studying Saddam, I never doubted the received wisdom that his stepfather in Tikrit beat him. Many eminent psychiatrists who had analysed him from afar said this was why Saddam was so cruel and why he wanted nuclear weapons.

Yet, in the course of my further interrogations, Saddam turned our assumptions upside down, saying his stepfather was the kindest man he had ever known: ‘Ibrahim Hasan – God bless him. If he had a secret, he would entrust me with it. I was more dear to him than his son, Idham.’

I asked about the CIA’s belief that Saddam suffered great pain from a bad back and had given up red meat and cigars. He said he didn’t know where I was getting my intelligence, but it was wrong. He told me he smoked four cigars every day and loved red meat. He was also surprisingly fit.

The CIA profile of Saddam suggested he was a chronic liar, yet he could be quite candid. Our perception that he ruled with an iron grip was also mistaken. It became clear from our interrogations that in his final years, Saddam seemed clueless about what had been happening inside Iraq. He was inattentive to what his government was doing, had no real plan for the defence of Iraq and could not comprehend the immensity of the approaching storm.

Saddam was quick, too, to deny involvement in 9/11. ‘Look at who was involved,’ he said. ‘What countries did they come from? Saudi Arabia. And this [ringleader] Muhammad Atta, was he an Iraqi? No. He was Egyptian. Why do you think I was involved in the attacks?’

Saddam had actually believed 9/11 would bring Iraq and America closer because Washington would need his secular government to help fight fundamentalism. How woefully wrong he had been.

During our talks, we often heard muffled explosions. Saddam inferred things were not going well for the US forces and took pleasure in the fact. ‘You are going to fail,’ he said. ‘You are going to find that it is not so easy to govern Iraq.’ History has proved him right. But back then, I was curious why he felt that way.

‘Because you do not know the language, the history, and the Arab mind,’ he said. ‘It’s hard to know the Iraqi people without knowing its weather and its history. The difference is between night and day and winter and summer. That’s why they say the Iraqis are hard-headed – because of the summer heat.’


Doting dad: Saddam and Rana

Doting dad: Saddam and Rana

The only time Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein showed any emotion during my interviews was when we discussed his daughters, Rana and Raghid.

His eyes became watery and his voice quivered. ‘I miss them terribly,’ he said. ‘I enjoyed a wonderful relationship with them. They loved me very much, and I loved them very much.’

Saddam also said he was proud of his murderous sons Uday and Qusay, but realistic about their shortcomings. He sometimes found it necessary to punish them.

Uday was a particular problem for him. He said he was incensed when he learned that Uday kept a fleet of Bentleys, Jaguars and Mercedes in a garage protected by Republican Guard soldiers, saying: ‘What kind of message are we sending to the Iraqi people, who must suffer under sanctions and do without?’

Saddam had the cars torched after a drunk Uday shot and wounded Saddam’s half-brother Watban at a family party.

The altercation prompted the 1995 defection of Hussein and Saddam Kamel, the husbands of Saddam’s two daughters, to Jordan.

He chuckled and added: ‘Next summer, when it is hot, they might revolt against you. The summer of 1958 got a little hot. In the 1960s, when it was hot, we had a revolution. You might tell that to President Bush!’

It was several years and several more postings to Iraq before I could explain the realities of Iraq to the President, face to face. By now, Saddam had been tried and executed, finally dispatched in late 2006.

But in late 2007, I was summoned to give a detailed presentation to George W. Bush at the Oval Office. What kind of a man had Saddam been, he asked me?

I told him that he was disarming at first and used self-deprecating wit to put you at ease.

The President looked as if he was going to lose his cool. I quickly explained that the real Saddam was sarcastic, arrogant and sadistic, which seemed to calm Bush down.

He looked at Vice-President Dick Cheney and their eyes locked in a knowing way. As I was leaving, he joked: ‘You sure Saddam didn’t say where he put those vials of anthrax?’ Everyone laughed, but I thought his crack inappropriate. America had lost more than 4,000 troops.

Several months later, I was asked to go back to the White House. This time, the President looked annoyed and distracted and asked for a briefing on the Shia cleric called Muqtada al-Sadr, the leader of the Mahdi Army, then engaged in dangerous insurgency against the coalition. This was not on the agenda.

Trying to gain a few seconds, I said: ‘Well, that is the $64,000 question’ Bush looked at me and said: ‘Why don’t you make it the $74,000 question, or whatever your salary is, and answer?’ What an a***hole!

In his 2010 memoir, Bush wrote: ‘I decided I would not criticise the hardworking patriots of the CIA for the faulty intelligence on Iraq.’ But that is exactly what he did. He blamed the agency for everything that went wrong and called its analysis ‘guesswork’ while hearing only what he wanted to hear.

I do not wish to imply that Saddam was innocent. He was a ruthless dictator who plunged his region into chaos and bloodshed. But in hindsight, the thought of having an ageing and disengaged Saddam in power seems almost comforting in comparison with the wasted effort of our brave men and women in uniform and the rise of Islamic State, not to mention the £2.5 trillion spent to build a new Iraq.

Trump acknowledges African-Americans’ support, pledges to unite America

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has acknowledged the contributions of the African-Americans to his election, saying they gave him the highest votes they had ever given a Republican nominee in recent times.

Trump, at a “Thank you tour” of Ohio, said the African-Americans had nothing to lose in his presidency, a correspondent of the News Agency of Nigeria reports.

“Remember when I was making speeches, I said what a hell do you (African-Americans) have to lose?

“The African-American community was so great to me in this election; they were so great to me; amazing!

“I couldn’t believe it that I saw them in their large numbers and every week, ‘boom, boom, boom’.

“And I got up added up to a number that’s higher than all of the Republican candidates for years and it was great!,” he said.

While addressing the cheering crowd, the president-elect again pledged to unite Americans, noting the divisive presidential campaigns between him and Democrat Hillary Clinton.

“We are not going to be divided for long, I have always brought people together; I know you find that hard to believe.

“But we are going to bring our country together, we will come together and we will get the job done properly,” he pledged.

Trump, who lost the popular vote but won the Electoral College, said: “we won a landslide, we won big”, condemning prejudice and hatred that had arisen from his election.

“We condemn bigotry and prejudice in all of its forms; we denounce all of the hatred and we forcefully reject the language of exclusion and separation.

“We are going to come together; we have no choice, we have to and it is better,” the president-elect said.

Trump, who used the tour to roll out his plans in office, promised to fulfil his campaign promises.

He re-emphasised that he would repeal and replace the “Obamacare”.

The president-elect also pledged to reduce taxes for companies and the working class saying, “we’re going to massively lower taxes and make America the best place to do business”.

Trump promised to usher in a new industrial revolution saying, “we’re going to bring jobs back to Americans” and “we’re going to have a simple rule: buy America and hire America”.

“On defence, we will begin a major national effort to rebuild our badly battered military.

“We have no choice; we want a strong military and we don’t have to use them, although we will destroy ISIS,” he said”

The president-elect also pledged to reform America’s foreign policy, saying “we will stop overthrowing regimes and stop changing governments; our goal is to promote peace in the world.

Trump also said that “we will finally end illegal migration; we will construct great walls at our borders” to keep out criminal cartels and drug traffickers from entering the country.

“We will ask Congress to reform our visa and immigration programmes to protect jobs and wages for American workers”.

He said “we don’t want another Nice, we don’t want another Orlando and we don’t like what is happening in Germany. We don’t want refugees, we already have enough problems”.

The president-elect, however, said the change was not going to be easy but urged Americans to “be the agent of good and positive change for our country”.

NAN reports that Trump had earlier at Indiana, where he commenced the tour, said the tour was a “thank you” one to the American people, especially, the battleground states at the election.

Jackie Chan: Give Trump a chance to change America, the world.

Chan Kong-sang, professionally known as Jackie Chan, says Trump should be given a chance to commence his change in America.


According to Yahoo Celebrity, the popular martial artist/actor was awarded an honorary Oscar at the Governors Awards ceremony which held on Sunday.


His view of the recently concluded election in the US is that Donald Trump, the president-elect, should be given the opportunity to bring to life, the dream he has for the country.


“Just give him a chance to try to change America and change the world. He’s a businessman… I think he knows how to handle these types of things,” he said.


Chan who won Oscars after “56 years in the film industry, making over 200 films”, thanked his fans and promised them to keep working and making movies.


“I want to thank you, Hong Kong, such an incredible city, my hometown, my hood, who make me. China, my country, I am proud to be Chinese.


“Thank you, Hollywood, for all of those years teaching me so many things, and also make me a little bit famous. I’m just honored to be here,” he said.

OPINION: The sad news of Trump’s triumph By Reuben Abati

Democracy is tricky; it sometimes ends up as a parody of itself.  When the people clamour for change, they can vote with their hearts, and prove impervious to plain sight reason, and overlook likely pitfalls.  We can only hope that Donald Trump does not become the symbol of the change that Americans are seeking. That would be sad indeed for the free world.”  – Reuben Abati,  “Anything Can Happen in America”, The Guardian, March 6, 2016. 

Earlier this year, I had written a piece titled “Anything Can Happen In America”, from which the quote above is excerpted, but I had virtually no idea that the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election could be so shocking, unthinkable and unbelievable. I was like the pollsters, the cultural activists, the Nobel Laureates, the American media establishment and the global community, minus Russia and Vladimir Putin, a Clintonite. I stood with her. When the unthinkable happened on Tuesday, and Americans chose as their 45th President, Donald John Trump, the real estate developer, reality television celebrity, a complete outsider who stumbled on politics and turned it into a celebrity show, I could only ask: how did it happen?


The triumph of Trumpism, a byword for incorrect conduct, misogyny, hate, racism, nativism, isolationism, anger, and defiance is sad news for the world. It is an assault on the ideals of American democracy. Trump’s triumph has left America more divided than it was a week ago, and the prospects of that nation rescuing itself from the tragic mistake it seems to have made may take long in coming. The same country that champions it the most has exposed the underbelly of democracy, that beloved option for global leadership, ironically.


Democracy is said to be driven by the values of good rather than evil, of humanity as opposed to inhumanity, individual freedom and rights rather than oppression, inclusion as different from exclusion but the same model of governance hands over power to the majority. As we have seen, the majority may not necessarily represent the will of all the people, or even the real majority, it is the choice that is made by the voting majority or as determined by the guiding rules as in the case of the United States: and no matter how stupid, illogical or unreasonable that choice may be, it is taken as the voice of the people and it is binding. This dictatorship of the determined majority has nothing to do with popular opinion or goodwill, but the actual choice that is made according to the guiding rules of the game.


Democracy, relying on the strength of numbers and local rules has fed many countries with statistically right but logically wrong outcomes.  The outcome in the United States this week is completely confusing.  And that explains why there have been protests across America by those chanting “notmypresident” to express their dismay over Trump’s surprise win. This is the first time in a long while that the outcome of an American Presidential election will leave the entire country so tragically divided the morning after. Even the international community is in shock. Trump’s triumph is a threat to the liberal standards on which the global order is anchored.  Hillary Clinton in her concession speech said her defeat is “painful and it will be for a long time.” Not necessarily for her but for America and the rest of the world.  The deepest cut is in America’s heart; the wound that has been inflicted therein by Americans themselves will be felt for a long time to come.


This year’s American general election should inspire a deeper interrogation into the nature of democracy and its many pitfalls. The people of the United States had a plain choice between good and bad alternatives. More than any other American Presidential candidate in this election, Hillary Clinton got the most impactful endorsements, yet she did not win. If the rest of the world had been asked to vote, she would have won by a landslide, but it was up to the Americans themselves to choose their own President, and they have just told us to mind our own businesses in our countries.  Hillary Clinton is urbane, experienced, charming and gifted. She has proved her mettle as First Lady, Senator and as Secretary of State.  She won the Presidential debates, ran a dignified and organized campaign and won the confidence of every critical constituency.  Bernie Sanders who ran against her for the Democratic party’s ticket and Donald Trump, as well as their agents in many places threw mud in her direction, but the polls favoured her to the last minute.           


The pollsters have been proven wrong by the choice that America has made. Hillary Clinton gave hope to generations of women across the world. Her emergence as America’s President would have broken the glass ceiling at the most powerful spot in the world, and energized young men and women across the world. America has decided to spit in the face of history and opt for misogyny birthed by ultra-conservatism. Confronted with the obvious choice of a decent, tested and experienced woman who could have given them the prize of two Presidents for the price of one, they chose a foul-mouthed, egoistic, bombastic, free-wheeling outsider with a wife whose body shape and naked assets would be part of a yet uncertain legacy.


America’s future post-Trump’s triumph is uncertain because what Trump stands for, the little that we know about that, raises nothing but anxiety, definitely not confidence.  America has as President in waiting a man elected on the wings of sheer populism and racist, nativist propaganda. His campaign was anchored on the hate-propelled belief that the only way to make America great again is to shut out Muslims, blacks, immigrants, intruding neighbours from Mexico and Latin America, keep Americans for Americans only so they can have jobs and prosper, and the spin that America is not safe in the hands of women whom he considers fit only as objects and pieces of decoration.


By voting Trump, America with its intriguing electoral college system, which robs a popular candidate on technical grounds, has deleted the triumph of American-led neo-liberal progressivism in the global order. The sad news in part is that this is also a growing trend in Europe, the equivalent of Brexit. Trump’s triumph is however worse than Brexit. It is not likely “to make America great again.” It is more likely to reduce, if not jeopardize America’s influence as a stabilizing force in the global system. Donald Trump as Presidential candidate repudiated America’s commitments within the global system. He says he will pull out US troops and command stations in Europe and Asia. If he keeps to his words, he could create such instability across the globe that would result in countries which otherwise depended on the United States looking out for themselves security-wise.


Trump is perhaps America’s nemesis: too much rationalization and over-simplification of everything was bound to get the United States into trouble. The chasm between the American establishment and its ordinary people has been blown open. Washington is a living symbol of correctness on every stage, but now the people have rejected Washington and its politics. There have been about 44 female Presidents across the world, and now, the most powerful country in the world has proven itself to be less progressive than India, Bangladesh, Brazil, South Korea, Liberia, Ireland, Sri Lanka, Argentina, Croatia, Nepal, Taiwan, Chile, Costa Rica, Philippines, Indonesia, Iceland, Malta, and even Kosovo! America preaches inclusion and unity in diversity, but the white, blue-collar and middle-class Americans who voted majorly for Donald Trump have shown that the average American is not interested in diversity; they want America to themselves alone. America is not a country of nationalities, it is a country of immigrants, and yet the settled immigrants want to shut the door of the land of dreams to others. Donald Trump exploited their fears. He has proven that it is possible to become President by appealing to the people’s basest instincts.  Shameful.


Trump, Machiavelli’s “great-great-grandson” has through dirty tricks created a revolution from which even the same party that saw him as an outsider and treated his emergence as flag-bearer as an accident has benefitted. The Republican Party owes its ascendancy in the White House and Capitol Hill to this outsider who brought the tactics of Machiavelli, soap opera and television shows to push a failing party back to reckoning. Trump is neither Republican nor Democrat; he belongs to the party of the streets, of a racist American street motivated by a determination to reverse the misfortune of disappearing jobs in inner America, inability of make ends meet, pay children’s school fees or live decently.  Americans chose Trump because he spoke the language of the streets and projected himself as their messiah. He projected himself, in his own words, as the champion of “the forgotten men and women of our country…People who work hard but no longer have a voice. I am their voice”. And so the people think, and so they voted for him so enthusiastically they even handed him the battleground states of Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and North Carolina, which secured his victory and ended the emerging Clinton dynasty.  He is the candidate of America’s children of anger.


Trump’s organized blackmail and dirty job may have given him the biggest job in the world but it will not sustain him there or make him a great President. The easiest thing to do is to promise the people change by pulling down the sitting government and the entire political Establishment. In Trump’s reckoning, he did not just defeat Hillary Clinton; he has defeated Barrack Obama, the entire Washington Establishment and its allies. Inexperienced, badly prepared and ignorant, as is the common consensus, Trump has to run the most complex governance system in the world. He can repudiate his campaign promises and turn 360 degrees. This is not beyond him. In the last year, his position on anything and everything has changed from one stop to another. Or he may choose to fulfill his bizarre promises and imperil the American Presidency and the global order. One option will expose and ridicule him. The other may fetch him the aggrieved assassin’s bullet or a one-term Presidency that could end up either as a tragi-comedy or a nauseating farce. The fulfillment of the Simpsons’ and Michael Moore’s prophecy is the highest point of America’s disillusionment. Soon enough, America will learn, at substantial cost, new lessons about its new reality.  Take it easy, Hillary. Destiny is what waits for every person behind the dream. 

ISIS Hails Donald Trump’s Victory Claiming He Will Destroy America Himself

Islamic State jihadis have hailed the victory of Donald Trump while claiming the billionaire “fool” will ruin America himself allowing terror groups to take control of the country.
The Republican was branded a “donkey” by militants who warned his election is “an indication of the end of the American empire”.

One ISIS jihadi said:

“What we want is their country be delivered to a donkey like Trump who will destroy it.

In the end, they are all our enemies and we will only meet them on the battlefields.

It is either them or us. We ask Allah to make their destruction caused by their own plans and their death come among themselves.

The world is going to experience a change and this change will put Islam in the leadership position as the end result.”

It comes hours after group al-Qaeda said the billionaire’s White House win will give extremists across the Middle East a common enemy, sparking fears of a major attack on US soil.

Americans Are Pleading With Michelle Obama To Save America In 2020

Many Americans are already looking ahead to the next election in four years’ time. Alongside calls for Kanye West to honor his pledge to run in 2020, many are turning to the outgoing FLOTUS Michelle Obama for hope.

To see why, revisit her rousing speech from this year’s Democratic National Convention, where she told crowds, “Don’t let anyone ever tell you that this country isn’t great, that somehow we need to make it great again. Because this right now is the greatest country on earth.”

See tweets in support of FLOTUS for POTUS below:


18 Carat Gold Toilet Named “America” Available For Use In New York Museum

The Guggenheim Museum in New York makes available for use a toilet made of solid gold. The 18-carat bathroom fixture is an artwork by Maurizio Cattelan, now available for public use in the Manhattan museum.

The Italian artist is known for his controversial installations and contempt for the art world. At his first solo exhibition, Cattelan closed the gallery and left a sign on the door that said “Back Soon.” In 2011, after hanging his remaining works in the atrium of the Guggenheim, the fifty-five-year-old artist announced his retirement.
But the gold toilet, entitled “America,” represents his comeback. Cattelan, like an aging action hero, returns to condemn the world.
“America” is inspired by Marcel Duchamp, who signed a urinal and presented it as an artwork at the Armory Show of 1917. Ninety-nine years later, Cattelan’s toilet seems to advertise the poverty of the artist’s imagination and the Biblical wealth that the museum commands.
Read More: CNN

Babatunde Fashola Lists His Take Away From President Buhari’s Foreign Trips

In making this public intervention, I seek to highlight the benefit of global relationships and cooperation in a world that is changing daily as a result of globalisation and transborder economics, social and even criminal activities where no one is safe, except all are safe, and to leave the dispassionate observer his opinion after deep reflection on the value, or lack of it, of President Muhammadu Buhari’s foreign trips.
This way I hope every Nigerian who cares about our country will have some information about what their president is doing about the things that concern them.

First I will start with context.

Barely two decades ago (between 1994 and 1998), we would not have quarrelled with the description that we were a pariah nation. We were ostracised from global events because of bad governance. We
had lost the respect accorded nations like ours were they well-led and well-run. I recall that not a few Nigerians complained that the green passport was becoming, if it had not already become, a burden. That was at the height of the dictatorial government that broke the rules of international relations.
It was from there that we started to heal. Investors entered our country. Many brands that we sought after abroad started coming to set up shop in our country. The tourist footfalls in our country increased slowly but surely, but again we began to slide. That was when Buhari declared at a meeting in Lagos during his campaign in 2015, that if elected, he would make us proud about our country again. Proud to be Nigerian again.
That is the context in which I view his foreign trips and the manifesto of the All Progressives Congress (APC) on Foreign Relations which promised to:
:: Make the Nigerian national interest the overriding factor in its foreign policy and international relations.
::Work to reform global governance in multilateral institutions and agencies.
::Work to strengthen the African Union (AU) to become a more effective organisation on global affairs.
::Engage the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) on the basis of equality.
::Play a leadership role to develop a MINT (Mexico, India, Nigeria, and Turkey) as a counterforce to BRICS.
I will limit my takeaways to four trips that I attended with the president namely: the G7 Summit in Germany, the Oil and Gas Summit in Iran, the Renewable Energy Conference in Abu Dhabi and the state visit and Business Forum in China; and two trips that I did not attend, but whose deliberations I followed, namely: Paris for the COP 21 and USA for the Nuclear Energy Summit.
G7 in Germany

This is a club of eight of the most industrialised, economic and technologically advanced nations. For the benefit of those who do not follow international politics, it was originally the G8 comprising the USA, Britain, Germany, France, Canada, Japan, Italy, and Russia, who were later suspended and had sanctions imposed on them to make it G7 as a result. It was formed in 1975 as a club of six before Canada and Russia were admitted. They look after each other, and the rest of the world to put it simply. They have gone to war together if you remember Iraq and Libya in recent memory and they are all largely collaborating to fight terror. (Most recently the FBI was rendering assistance to Belgium in the aftermath of the terror attacks in that country).

Why G7 one might then ask?
Answer: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, as host, invited President Buhari on his inauguration to be their guest along with some three or four other African countries. Their agenda was global security, global economy and global health in the aftermath of Ebola, which was still raging in some African countries. Apart from the personal aides of the president, Governor Shettima of Borno, General Abdulrahman Dambazau and myself were the only ones who accompanied the president.

I recall that upon our arrival in Germany, they expressed surprise that our delegation was small and asked if others were still coming. In the pre-departure briefing, in addition to highlighting how the security and economic agenda of the G7 coincided with two of his campaign promises, security, (corruption) economy, President Buhari stated the reasons three of us were invited.
Governor Shettima was in the front line of terrorists and criminal activities in the North-east; General Dambazau was a former Chief of Army Staff, and also a faculty associate of Harvard University Weatherhead Centre for International Affairs; I had run the single biggest economy of a state within Nigeria for eight years and was in the frontline of Ebola. Without ministers, one week after taking office, he felt we were the ones best suited to assist, if he needed it, on the issues of security, economy and health on the G7 agenda. In the event, he did not need us. He held his ground admirably. He was the first person called upon to speak at a Summit in which Nigeria was not a member. I was proud to be a Nigerian.

At global summits, we usually got to speak when others had spoken and the hall has emptied. President Barack Obama was the first G7 member to speak after President Buhari and he said that Nigeria has elected a president that brings a reputation of scrupulous integrity to the table. I was proud to be a Nigerian.

The opening session was robust and welcoming, we saw some of the world’s most powerful men and women take off their jackets, call each other by their first names in a club-like setting while addressing the world’s most serious problems. Problems that affect you and I daily. I was proud that my president was in a room where decisions concerning my planet were being deliberated upon.
British Prime Minister David Cameron, Chancellor Merkel and others also spoke in similar vein about our president’s reputation and our nation’s strategic position in Africa and the world. They pledged support for Nigeria on terror and the economy.
Importantly, I learned that their scientists were worried about increasing resistance of strains of infections to antibiotics; and that they were committing enormous resources into finding out why and what to do. They highlighted the difficulty of time and resources that it will take to develop new antibiotics and the risk to global health.

If we all appreciate how vulnerable we can be without effective antibiotics, especially our children, and if we remember how low life expectancy was and how poor global health was before the discovery of Penicillin after the World War, we will appreciate the seriousness of the platform to which Nigeria was invited. I was proud that our president was there. If the seven most powerful nations stand with you, who can stand against you? I need not say more except that I can attest that President Buhari has been following up on these matters, and the progress on security is visible, while results on the economic front will manifest soon enough.
Iran Oil and Gas Summit

For those who are not aware, one of the reasons why oil prices went up, and from which we benefited in the past, was that Iran, the world’s 7th largest producer of oil, was facing global sanctions from which she was due to emerge in 2016. Because Iran was soon to be selling oil, the likelihood of a further crash of oil prices that had drastically fallen was a threat to Nigeria’s economy if oil prices crashed further. (Our 2016 budget proposals had just been formulated on a $38 per barrel assumption).
I was witness to President Buhari’s persuasion to Iran to come to the market slowly instead of pushing out large volumes which will raise supply and crash prices, even though Iran also needed the cash. You can’t do that type of diplomacy by letter or by phone, in my view, not when the major players were all there in person. I witnessed the meeting with the Venezuelan prime minister, who was leading the South American producers to sell more and get cash even if the prices were lower.

President Buhari’s logic was different. Hold your volumes, steady the price, and don’t let us hurt one another. Recorders of history will recall that the Venezuelan government suffered a major political defeat in Parliament, while President Buhari’s logic has at least steadied oil prices. It might interest you to know that all European nations sent their oil ministers, except Russia, where Vladimir Putin came in person, because having been suspended from the G8 and facing sanctions, this was the meeting where his country’s interests were best served.
For the record, Russia pledged a $5 billion state support to Iran, and if the purpose of this is lost on anyone, I interpret it to mean, “Take cash, don’t pump out your oil. It will hurt me.”

This is the reality of international politics.
Finally on Iran, President Buhari told us, how when he flew to Iran in his days as Petroleum Minister, he noticed how much gas they were flaring and now he returned as president, all the flares were gone. We found out that all the gas had been harvested and piped to every home for heating, cooking etc.
His mandate: “If they can do it, we must do it.” I am proud to be led by a president who sees good things outside and seeks to bring them to his people.

Abu Dhabi Renewable Energy
This is reputed to be the richest of the Emirates in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Apart from seeking cooperation to recover Nigeria’s stolen wealth stored in the UAE (his anti-corruption commitment pursued in person), President Buhari addressed a renewable energy summit where we learned about initiatives to bring solar power price down to five US cents per kilowatt hour, (approximately N10) as against the price of 17 US cents (N34) per KW/h tariff in Nigeria fixed at privatisation by the last government.
President Buhari’s mandate was for us to explore collaboration for the manufacture of solar panels in Nigeria to bring down the price and deploy it to the sunlit areas of Nigeria, especially the North that is most prolific for irradiation. We are currently working on the Energy Mix for Nigeria which is the implementation process of the energy policy that will take us there. Hopefully, we will soon be signing the first set of solar deployment agreements for Nigeria.

In this way, more solar and hydro will be used in the North, more coal and hydro in the Middle Belt, and more gas in the South; so that we take power generation closest to the most prolific source of fuel to bring down the cost and make it more affordable. On the trip to China (which I will comment on) we met a few Chinese solar manufacturers (who recognised us from Abu Dhabi) who want to set up business of manufacturing solar panels in Nigeria.

China Investment Forum and State Visit
This is the visit that provoked this write up, because I had bottled what I knew. But it was time, I believe, to share some of it. China is the second largest economy in the world with a per capita income of $8,000 which they are planning to raise to $12,000 by 2020. By her own assessment, according to President Xi Jinping, they are still a developing nation seeking to achieve what he described as “initial prosperity” by 2020.

If you look at the back of your phone, your TV, your watch, your I-Pad, your mobile charger, many other accessories that you use, you are likely to find these three words “Made in China” printed somewhere. For such a nation, (with trillions of dollars in reserves, that plans to spend $2 trillion on imports in the next five years and earn $100 billion annually) who still sees itself as a developing nation, such modesty in the face of success, assiduous hard work and productivity is a destination to seek cooperation in the pursuit of economic development.
This is where President Buhari led an array of Nigerian investors including Erisco Foods, (who now makes our tomato paste at home and employs people locally including farmers who supply the tomatoes), power operators (DisCos and GenCos), and the Dangote Group, to meet with and address their Chinese partners.

During the meeting with the Chinese President, six collaboration agreements were signed including for agriculture and food production improvement techniques, rail and power infrastructure development, for funding the Dangote Group to continue to expand and create jobs at home and keeping some of our reserves in the currency of the richest nation in the world. This last mentioned agreement was a legitimate coup by President Buhari because the intelligence was that some West African countries were going to sign before us. President Buhari seized the moment.

Of course he had to apologise for our previous failures on our agreement made to part-fund four airport projects in Lagos, Kano, Abuja and Port Harcourt and Abuja-Kaduna rail project.
The Chinese had provided their agreed part of 85 per cent but the remaining 15 per cent Nigeria did not honour during the last administration.
Some of the recent revelations about financial scandals estimated at $2.1 billion in the office of the National Security Adviser (NSA) alone during the last administration suggest how impactful such funds would have been in delivering these critical infrastructure; but we all know what happened.

This is why President Buhari is travelling. To repair our reputation severely damaged by the last government, and to assure our partners that Nigeria has CHANGED. And from there to re-negotiate an existing funding agreement to complete critical transport infrastructure. Because of his reputation, President Xi Jinping believed him, and to quote him, he said: “It is better late than never.”
Through him China literally opened the door to Nigeria in areas of infrastructure (power, railways and roads), agriculture, education and manufacturing especially in our Free Trade Zones. To paraphrase the Chinese President, “ask us for whatever support or partnership and we will be happy to respond.”
“We wish to see you take your rightful place and we are happy that you are the first African president visiting China, after my visit to Africa last year to pledge a $60 billion support for the development of the continent.”
If this was not initiative I doubt what is?

As for the trips to Paris, COP 21 and the USA, Nuclear Security Summit, I will only say this:

a) The threat of climate change, global warming, desertification in the north of Nigeria and coastal erosion in the Atlantic (Bar beach in Lagos) and in the south, affecting Rivers, Bayelsa and other coastal states, the clear scientific evidence lays the blame at the door of the world’s most industrialised nation for their pollution.
b) Since the Kyoto protocol they have paid lip service to remedying the situation, which unfortunately affects developing nations more adversely.
c) COP 21 was the first serious commitment that these leaders made to ensure that global temperatures do not rise above 2°C and indeed are reduced to 1.5°C. I am proud that Nigeria was not missing at this historic moment. When the planet is saved, the next and future generations of Nigerians will recall that President Buhari was present, when all of the world leaders were present to save the planet.
d) In the aftermath of COP 21, the commitment of these nations is to increase production and technology for renewable energy and to reduce the use of carbon fuels. One way they plan to achieve this is increased deployment of nuclear energy.
e) These nations are at the cusp of sharing safe nuclear technology for peaceful uses with developing nations for power generation. This for me was reason enough and a good one at that for President Buhari to be in the USA because Nigeria has been pursuing a nuclear power programme for about 17 years, not as an alternative to gas or Hydro, but as additions to them.

The world leaders must trust you for you to partake. At that summit, in the group photograph, President Buhari stood on the second row along side Britain and Turkey. In the past, we used to be on the last row. This is CHANGE. As he meets with world leaders outside Africa, he has not forgotten the home front. He is regularly visiting and receiving his sister and brother presidents on the African continent.
President Buhari has earned their trust for all of us and I am proud to carry my green passport. Yes, some results are not yet manifest, and may take a little while to do so, but a solid foundation for a sustainable, respectable and prosperous future is being laid, block by block. This is how to build a solid “home” from whence we can project respect abroad with confidence. How many of us will do business with total strangers without a reference or a good reputation in this age of due diligence?

President Buhari is building affiliations everywhere that if well-managed in future, will develop into a global network of friendships, trust and respect for Nigeria and Nigerians. I once heard that the role of a leader, like that of the head of a family, is that of an aggregator, opening doors and opportunities, breaking down barriers and forging alliances. I agree.
This is my Takeaway on these trips.

– Mr. Fashola, Minister of Power, Works and Housing, writes from Abuja

Fayemi Seeks America’s Help To Develop Solid Minerals Sector

The Minister of Solid Minerals Development, Mr Fayemi Kayode, is requesting the assistance of the United States of America for the development of the sector.

He has asked the American government to provide technical assistance as well as create international market for produce as the federal government is determined to develop the sector to provide alternatives to the nation’s dwindling oil revenue.

Meanwhile, the United States Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr James Entwistle, during a courtesy visit to the Ministry of Solid Minerals Development, gave an assurance of the cooperation of the American Geological Survey.

Credit: ChannelsTV

God Can Destroy America Over Gay Marriage, Former US Rep Speaks Up

Michele Bachmann is still vehemently opposed to same-sex marriage.

 The former Minnesota rep, who once dismissed the fight for marriage equality as “boring,” blasted President Barack Obama’s “dangerous policies,” including those pertaining to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community, in an “Understanding the Times with Janet Markell” interview last weekend.

“When we raise our fist to holy God and say that we are going to redefine marriage, we are going to be okay with paying a Planned Parenthood to cut up innocent baby parts and sell them for research, that clearly is a problem,” Bachmann said, according to Right Wing Watch. “As we have seen God render judgment in the days of Noah, in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah and so forth throughout history, what the prophets have told every generation is that there is a just God and the people must repent and turn to him. So, too, in this day of wickedness in our own culture, we need to do the same.”

Read More: huffingtonpost

Chibok Girls Narrate Life In America

Emmanuel Ogebe, a U.S.-based Nigerian human rights lawyer collaborated with a couple in Nigeria to help bring some Chibok schoolgirls who had escaped from Boko Haram to the United States.

Boko Haram kidnapped Lily and 275 other schoolgirls one night in April 2014. In a remote town in northeastern Nigeria, the radical fighters grabbed Lily and the others as they slept inside the local high school’s dormitory. They stuffed them into trucks and drove off into the night with a convoy of squealing, terrified high school students.

Lily said her heart was pounding, and she closed her eyes and prayed. Hours after her capture, she found the courage to jump out of the moving truck; a friend followed her. She ran through the bushes in the middle of the night, and made her way back home. After that, she resolved never to return to school.

Lily was made fun of after her escape; leaving Nigeria offered her a chance to change the course of her life. Lily and nine other girls arrived in the U.S. last year, between July and December.

“I know I said I would never go to school again but things have changed,” Lily said with a smile. “I am in America!”

The girls recently went back to class after a summer break that included trips to the White House, museum and a national tour with a church choir. Host families housed the girls during the summer vacation.

Murna, 19, discovered she has motion sickness and cannot sit in a car for long. Lily has not acquired a taste for American food.

Sometimes, Lily’s mind wanders to Nigeria, to Chibok, to Boko Haram, to her best friend Dorcas, who was abducted with her and is presumably still in the clutches of Boko Haram members. Dorcas and Lily grew up together as neighbors.

“She is still inside Sambisa,” Lily says. “I miss her so much. She is a very good person.”

Read More: aljazeera

Why Are Nigerians Terrified Of Same-Sex Marriage In America?- Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani

Late in 2014 when my friend, Zachary, invited me to his wedding taking place in The Berkshires this September, I was less concerned about having to travel all the way from Abuja to Massachusetts. Zachary is gay. “What if lightning comes and strikes the building?” I asked. He replied that there had so far been under 100, 000 gay marriages in the U.S. — and no bolts. “Of course, my partner and I could be the last straw,” he added.

That exchange may have been facetious, but many Nigerians are genuinely terrified of gay marriage. And they are distraught over the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision to legalize gay marriage in America.

They express sadness and pity for what is supposedly God’s Own Country. They predict America’s inevitable decline. But the emotion most potent in their words is fear. The kind you might expect from news of an impending tsunami. Many Nigerians appear terrified that, having finally won the victory on home soil, America will now set its sights on imposing similar legislature in countries like Nigeria. “We must resist this wave,” I have heard people say.

Rumors of America’s plan of action have already started making the rounds. Over the past few days, a number of articles in local newspapers have revealed what some Nigerians believe to be the secret agenda behind President Obama’s invitation to Nigeria’s new president, Muhammadu Buhari. Allegedly, the meeting, scheduled to take place in the White House on July 20, is aimed at persuading President Buhari to repeal Nigeria’s infamous Same Sex Prohibition Law signed by the previous Goodluck Jonathan administration. “Beware of Obama’s Invitation,” read a headline in one of Nigeria’s dailies.

A June 2015 survey conducted by Nigeria’s NOI Polls (which works in collaboration with Gallup) shows that 90% of Nigerians believe their country would be a better place without homosexuals. In addition, 81% do not agree that gay people should have the same rights as other Nigerians. Only 30% of Nigerians were shown to believe that gay people deserved equal access to public services such as healthcare, housing and education.

Despite these hair-raising data, I would be surprised if the anti-gay bill were the only reason why President Obama has extended this warm invitation to Nigeria’s president, what with issues like Boko Haram currently siphoning global attention. But if indeed he has the welfare of gay Nigerians in mind, President Obama must proceed with caution.


Gay Marriage Declared Legal Across All 50 States Of America

Same-sex marriages are now legal across the entirety of the United States after a historic supreme court ruling that declared attempts by conservative states to ban them unconstitutional.

In what may prove the most important civil rights case in a generation, five of the nine court justices determined that the right to marriage equality was enshrined under the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment.

Victory in the case – known as Obergefell v Hodges, after an Ohio man who sued the state to get his name listed on his late husband’s death certificate – caps years of campaigning by LGBT rights activists, high-powered attorneys and couples waiting decades for the justices to rule.

The ruling, in which justice Anthony Kennedy cast the deciding vote, means the number of states where gay marriage is legal will rise from 37 states to all 50.

Read Moretheguardian

I’m Not Afraid Of Trial For Alleged Drug Offences In America- Kashamu

The controversial Peoples Democratic Party Senator-elect in Ogun State, Buruji Kashamu, on Wednesday, said he is not evading trial for drug related offences in the United States of America. Mr. Kashamu, an American fugitive, said the American authorities only needed to follow due process and not abuse his human rights if a trial were to hold.

The senator- elect insisted that a court in the United Kingdom had cleared him of the drug charges. “On the U.S case, I wish to state for the umpteenth time that the United States as the bastion of democracy and the Rule of Law would not lend itself to any form of abuse of the fundamental human rights of an innocent soul, especially one that has been arrested, tried and freed by its most trusted ally – the United Kingdom.

“I am not running from any trial. All I have asked is for the relevant parties to follow due process – if they believe that I yet have a case to answer. I stand with the almighty Allah Subhana Wa Tala. He is the protector of all men. He is my refuge and shield. Let no one play God!’

“I believe in the supremacy of the almighty Allah who frustrates the signs of liars and makes fools of diviners, who turns wise men back and makes their knowledge foolish. He is the ultimate decider of the fate of all mortals. When He says yes, no man can say no and when He says no, no man can say yes!,” Mr. Kashamu said.


Obama Says Homosexuality Is A ‘Lifestyle Choice’

President Barack Obama’s gay allies are ignoring his endorsement of the long-standing claim that sexual orientation is a matter of choice. “I think people know that treating folks unfairly, even if you disagree with their lifestyle choice… Let them live their lives and under the law they should be treated equally,” he said 25 minutes into his Wednesday interview with GloZell Green, a YouTube personality.

Obama’s statement violates progressives’ demand that Americans believe there’s no choice in sexual orientation. But Obama’s statement reflects mainstream views. A May 2014 poll by Gallup showed that only 42 percent of Americans believe all gay people are “born that way,” regardless of choice.

Thirty-seven percent of Americans believe that homosexuality is linked to upbringing and environment. That’s a shift from 2013, when 47 percent said gays are born that way.

Much Ado About American Weapons In a Nigerian War By Ehi Akpata

Nigeria can best be described as movie theatre where there is never a shortage of drama. From terrorist attacks to massive corruption scandals to political scandals, the drama never ends. It is almost becoming difficult to keep track of embarrassing events these days such that before one reacts to the latest scandal it becomes dwarfed by an even more scandalous event. The crux of this article is the recent verbal exchange between the Nigerian government on the one hand and the US government on the other hand over the supply of military hardware.

Recently, the Nigerian government blamed the US government for its challenges in getting the necessary firepower needed to prosecute its war with the Boko Haram sect. The US government on their part has blamed Nigeria’s poor human right record as the reason for not selling weapons to Nigeria. The Nigerian government has hung tenaciously to this excuse and has continued to use it to justify its robust incompetence. Trust the Presidents spokesmen and supporters to castigate the US, suddenly a scapegoat had been found to take some pressure off the president. However, some more dispassionate minds have paused to ask some pertinent questions: is the US the only manufacturer of military hardware in the world? Has the US been our major supplier of military equipment in the past? Can the equipment sought by the Nigerian government be obtained from sources other than the US? Let us turn our attention to the weapons and equipment ever supplied to our army since 1960 to help us see who our major arms suppliers have been. Our major suppliers of military equipment are Russia, the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Belgium in descending order. These equipment ranges from missiles, armoured vehicles, rifles, artillery, air defense weapons and small arms. The US has only supplied Nigeria with weapons on about three occasions putting them in the same category with nations like Sweden and Germany. Interestingly, the weapons that were supplied to Nigeria by the US are no more in service. One would expect the Nigerian government to focus its attention on countries like Russia, the United Kingdom, Italy and France for military equipment or is it only American weapons that can kill Boko Haram members? China happens to be one of our major trading partners and a producer of military hardware. This is another very important option for us if we choose to explore it.

Another leg of this topic has to do with attack helicopters or helicopter gunships and it will be discussed separately from mainstream military equipment. An attack helicopter is a specially designed and fitted helicopter that has the ability to attack targets on the ground and is able to carry heavy machine guns and missiles. Due to its special features it can be used for special missions like escorting army convoys and carrying out attack missions. Sometime In June 2014, we were greeted with the news that Nigeria had ordered 40 Cobra attack helicopters to aid its lingering war with the Boko Haram sect. Unfortunately, this deal has now gone up in smoke as a result of the current US position on Nigeria. I have always advocated for the provision of attack helicopters for our army and have been thoroughly amazed that we do not have a reasonable fleet of our own by now. African countries like Egypt have possessed Apache helicopters for years and you will still hear some folks call our army the best in Africa, what ignorance.

In my view, it is not the end of the world if the Americans refuse to sell cobra helicopters to us. Nigeria is not the first nation to be denied weapons or attack helicopters for that matter by the US. China suffered the same challenge in the past and it is important to see how they responded to the situation. Following the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, the US placed an arms embargo on China. This made it impossible for China to obtain attack helicopters it urgently needed from the US. Even Russia refused to sell attack helicopters to China. Instead of crying and complaining like the Nigerian government has chosen to do, the Chinese sought other alternatives and this included developing their own attack helicopters and today China is a proud producer of attack helicopters. Necessity is the mother of inventions but it seems like in Nigeria Necessity is the mother of complaints and excuses.

So what immediate alternatives are available to the Nigerian government? There are other nations who manufacture attack helicopters and would be more inclined to sell to us. I earlier identified China as a maker of attack helicopters. China and Nigeria are major trading partners and I see no reason why we cannot look towards the East if America fails us. The Chinese produce the Z-10 attack helicopter which has been adjudged to be reasonably competent. The Italians have supplied us weapons in the past and they produce the Augusta A129 attack helicopters. The Germans are another of our previous arms suppliers who produce attack helicopters, they produce the Eurocopter Tiger and I see no reason why we cannot try any of these options. I have deliberately left out the Russian built versions because the current sanctions on Russia might affect any deals with them.

Leaders are chosen to solve problems and make tough decisions. Nigeria has been desperately in need of leaders to do the needful in trying times such as this. We certainly do not need leaders who instead of fixing a problem search for who to blame for it. If our army is in need of weapons of any description there are several options to explore. If Chad can get plane loads of weapons from France then Nigeria has no excuse, and if a private citizen like Tompolo can acquire gunships then I don’t know what to even say anymore.



Why America won’t Shut Borders to West Africa

ABC News chief health and medical editor Dr. Richard Besser, revealed during a recent ABC News Ebola town hall event, on why America will not close her borders to West Africa.

Keeping people from leaving the Ebola-affected countries would be a “major mistake,” Besser said, noting that he saw aid workers, journalists and family members aboard his plane on his two trips to Liberia in the last few months, and that letting them in and out is important.

“You want to make sure that people who leave that area are being monitored and doing it safely,” he said. “You want to encourage people to go there who have expertise and can help these governments, these health workers, control this disease. That will save lives there and will also improve the health and protection of Americans right here.”

Varma said the biggest concern in America should be containing the outbreak in Africa. Until that happens, he said “we will always be at risk.”

“You can’t just wrap a wall around these countries and not expect people to get out,” he said.

Piers Morgan Quits CNN

Ace Tv presenter and staunch Arsenal fan Mr piers Morgan has resigned his job at  CNN he just announced. Piers morgan who said  he was offered a two year deal from CNN to host 41 interviews and shows said he took the decision not to accept the two year deal as he has  decided to go try his hand on another job. 

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Morgan’s first major position in national media was as de facto editor of The Suns show business column, Bizarre, under the editorship of Kelvin MacKenzie. In 1994, aged 29, he was appointed editor of News of the World by Rupert Murdoch, becoming the youngest national newspaper editor in more than half a century.He quickly gained notoriety for his invasive, thrusting style and lack of concern for celebrities’ privacy, claiming that they could not manipulate the media to further their own ends without accepting the consequences of a two-way deal.

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Morgan left this post in 1995 shortly after publishing photographs of Catherine Victoria Lockwood, then wife of Charles, Earl Spencer leaving an addictive disorders clinic in Surrey. This action ran against the editors’ code of conduct,a misdemeanor for which the Press Complaints Commission upheld a complaint against Morgan. Murdoch was reported as having said that “the boy went too far and publicly distanced himself from the story. Fearful of a privacy law action if he had not criticized one of his employees, Murdoch is said to have apologized to Morgan in private.

The incident was reported to have contributed to Morgan’s decision to leave for the Daily Mirror  editorship.Morgan’s autobiography The Insider states that he left the News of the World of his own choice and somewhat against owner Rupert Murdoch’s wishes when he was offered the job of Editor at the Daily Mirror.

We would keep up with more developing stories from Piers Morgans camp on this new development after many years with CNN .