Sneak Peek Into Khloé Kardashian’s Meal Plan

As part of a passage titled “The Joy of Cooking” in her new book Strong Looks Better Naked, Khloé Kardashian lays an average day’s meal plans out there for her readers.

My Day On a Plate

5:00 a.m.: I’m up bright and early and have a huge glass of water and a black coffee.
6:00 a.m.: I’m off to the gym, ready to sweat.
8:00 a.m.: Breakfast is another big glass of water, my ideal oatmeal, and a protein shake.
11:00 a.m.: I snack on an apple with peanut butter or fruit and nuts.
1:00 p.m.: Lunch is a Chinese chicken salad.
3:00 p.m.: Snack time! Homemade hummus, chopped veggies, edamame, and another big glass of water (this time infused with fruit).
7:00 p.m.: Time for dinner. I usually keep it pretty clean, and my favorite go-to is steamed veggies and fish served with my Magic Mash-Up [Editor’s note: This is a cauliflower mash.] and a glass of water of course.
9:00 p.m.: I end my day with a bowl of fruit with plain Greek yogurt.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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