Sabrina Corgatelli, a keen huntress from McCammon, Idaho, uploaded this image of her posing over a giraffe she shot
The death of Cecil the lion has shocked the world and led to a backlash against big game trophy hunting – but this Idaho woman knows what side she’s on.
Sabrina Corgatelli, a university accountant from McCammon, Idaho, has gleefully posted images of herself on big game hunts comparable to that taken by Walter Palmer onto social media in the midst of the controversy.
In one image she poses over a downed giraffe, accompanied with the caption: ‘Day #2 I got a amazing old Giraffe. Such a amazing animal!! I couldn’t be any happier!! My emotion after getting him was a feeling I will never forget!!!’
And despite a stream of obscene and disparaging comments accusing her of animal abuse and heartlessness, the huntress has vowed to continue sharing the images regardless of what her ‘haters’ think. Smh, trouble maker. See more photos below…
Corgatelli, who has apparently been hunting since late July, also posted this image of a warthog she took down. Her posts have been met with howls of protest
Corgatelli poses with the beat in another image. The giraffe is her largest quarry so far and is likely to have attracted a kill fee of around $2,600
The gang: Corgatelli also uploaded this image of her hunting party trekking through the South Africa wilds
Lion killer: Corgatelli is pictured above posing over a slain lion, which is thought to have been killed by her boyfriend, center
Another one: Above Corgatelli poses over an impala, a breed of antelope, which she described as ‘Africa’s icon’
‘Beautiful’: Another one of Corgatelli’s trophy kills was this wildebeest. Her hunting trip is likely to have cost in excess of $10,000 in kill fees, lodging and other charges.