Food Shortages Drive People In N’East To IDP Camps

People uprooted by Boko Haram violence in the northeast are leaving host families and moving to camps for the displaced as food becomes increasingly scarce, the European Commission’s humanitarian arm (ECHO) said Wednesday.

Seven million people do not have enough food to eat and almost one-third of them need urgent food aid, according to the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

Nine in 10 of Nigeria’s 2.2 million internally displaced people are living with host families in the northeast rather than in camps, amid food shortages that are raising tension in many households, said Thomas Dehermann-Roy, head of ECHO’s Central Africa office.

“It is easier to host your neighbours, friends and family when everything is fine, but when food becomes scarce, tensions are raised,” he said. Around two-thirds of people uprooted by conflict and four in five host families in northeast Nigeria said food was their most pressing and unfulfilled need, according to ECHO.

“Some people are moving to camps as the living situation with host families becomes too harsh – it is a worrying trend and sign of a deteriorating situation,” Dehermann-Roy added.

A regional offensive by Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Cameroun last year drove Boko Haram from much of the territory it held in north eastern Nigeria, undermining its six-year campaign to carve out an Islamic caliphate.
But the militants have since struck back with suicide bombings and hit and run attacks on civilians, threatening livelihoods and hindering aid agencies’ efforts to deliver food.

The amount of land being used to grow food has dropped by almost 70 per cent over the past year as the violence has disrupted farming and driven people off their land, OCHA said.

Credit: Thisday