A Georgia woman knew she was going to have a laborious evening at the hospital when she doubled over in pain with what she thought was a kidney stone — but that pain turned out to be a baby.
When Stephanie Jaegers called her husband, Michael, and told him she had to go to the hospital Tuesday, she was hoping doctors would perform a CAT-scan and find out what was causing her agony.
Instead, they performed an ultrasound — and told her she was about to have a bundle of joy.
“There are no words to describe the range of feelings associated with being told that you’re having a baby — in 30 minutes,” Jaegers’ husband, Michael, told WXIA Atlanta.
“It wasn’t until we heard the heartbeat that reality set in,” the proud papa said.
Stephanie, already a mother of three, had shown no signs of pregnancy prior to the pain, and even continued having her period over the last nine months.
She was also told she was premenopausal and could not have any more kids after she had a blood transfusion following the birth of her 2-year-old daughter.
But at 3:50 a.m. Wednesday at Piedmont Henry Hospital, the parents welcomed a healthy baby boy named Shaun, who weighed in at 7 pounds, 3 ounces.
“I went from Googling kidney-stone treatments to a panic attack over the fact that not only were we pregnant, but the baby was coming within the hour,” Michael said. “Most parents have a good nine months to plan for such a blessing.”
Michael also wrote a Facebook post to share the news and explain how the couple went through the pregnancy without knowing a baby was coming.
“Shaun was also breech throughout the entire pregnancy, which prevented him from moving around to indicate to Steph that he was in there, and his position made it to where Steph didn’t ‘show,’?” he wrote.
The seasoned parents hadn’t gotten rid of all their baby gear yet and found a car seat and some clothes stored in their attic.
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