Man Gets Revenge On Cheating Girlfriend In The Worst Way Ever

A man who allegedly caught his girlfriend cheating on him filmed himself getting revenge in the worst way.

After setting up a hidden camera in his car, the boyfriend gives his lover a present gifted inside a cute heart-shaped box and wrapped in a pink bow.

From the outside it looks like the pressie could well be a yummy box of chocolates.

After the man passes his unsuspecting partner the Valentine’s surprise, he gives her a hug before leaving her in the backseat to unwrap her gift.

However, things soon start to take a turn for the worse when the pretty blonde begins to eagerly unwrap the present.

As she flips off the lid, the woman is left horrified at the hordes of cockroaches enclosed inside the box.

In shock, the love rat then throws the box in the air sending the creepy-crawlies flying everywhere around her.

She tries to escape, but the car doors have been locked by her vengeful boyfriend.

The footage has gone viral online, but has divided opinion with many speculating that the footage may be fake.

One user said: “This is the most evil prank.”

Another added: “That is a horrid thing to do. How awful.”

However, others wrote: “It looks staged. She can barely contain herself so as to not burst laughing.”

Another added: “This seems fake.”

Once A Cheater Always A Cheater! Why This Is Not Always True

Once a cheater always a cheater? The experts say this may not always be the case. One therapist, Dr. Nancy B. Irwin, argues that since behavior is learned, it is possible to do a turnaround when it comes to cheating.

If you’ve ever been cheated on, your first instinct may have been to break up because you felt you could never trust the cheater again. But depending on the circumstances, you might have another shot at love with your partner. Here’s why.

Consider why your partner cheated

You may not think about this during the aftermath of the cheating, but the circumstances that led to infidelity could make all the difference. Teri Lynn Wilkins, a life coach specializing in infidelity, betrayal, and cheating, said the reason why your partner strayed may determine whether or not it’s likely to happen again. While it’s not an excuse, a reason can provide insight into what changes need to be made if you decide to stay in the relationship.

In addition, what the cheater sees as a positive intention may sometimes lead to a negative outcome when it comes to relationship needs. Sometimes, in an attempt to fulfill an unmet need (perhaps feelings of  loneliness), the cheater may reach out to someone outside the relationship. Irwin proposed a warped sense of what is right may be what is underneath it all. “No one does anything to deliberately be bad, or wrong, or even evil.  There is always a positive intent. In the clinic, we discover what the intent is, and find a healthy way to get that need met versus harming the self or others,” Irwin said.

 A second chance?

Being cheated on doesn’t feel good, so it’s understandable to feel like you should flee the relationship. However, Wilkins said, in some cases, it might make sense to give your partner another chance. If he or she is truly sorry and willing to try harder at resolving issues before they mushroom, it may be worth it. “A cheater should be given a second chance if they are wanting to mend the relationship. My definition of that is if they are willing to do whatever it takes (including professional counseling), to help their partner heal, for however long it takes,” Wilkins said. “If not, they probably don’t really want to be in the relationship to begin with and that is why they are cheating, so they will cheat again.”

Even if you do reconcile, let your partner know that cheating is not OK. Don’t allow your significant other to mistake your forgiveness for permission. Also do some soul searching to take stock of why you want in the relationship. Wilkins warns if your reasons are rooted in fear, you may want to reconsider your decision. “Cheating is a huge red flag that something is fundamentally broken in the relationship, and it requires much work to dig into those things and fix them. People should not stay together if they are only staying for fear of being alone or not wanting to deal with the grief of a relationship loss,” Wilkins advised.

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Heartbroken Vet Kills Herself And Leaves Note For Her ‘Cheating’ Husband’s Mistress

A promising vet who accused her husband of having an affair hung herself in a hotel room and left a note to the ‘other woman’
Nicole Putney, 32, was once named Vet Student of the Year and was described as a “very talented young lady” but had become extremely depressed following the breakdown of her five-month marriage.
She killed herself after travelling to Manchester to attend a business conference and that she left a suicide note for a woman she believed was having an affair with her scientist husband.

The accomplished animal welfare expert told her dad that she was about to commit suicide.
Staff at the Novotel in Worsley, Greater Manchester were alerted by a friend of Ms Putney but were unable to get to her in time.

In his statement,Simon Mueller, a physicist at the International Energy Agency claimed her mental illness caused a strain in their marriage.He said

My relationship with my wife was harmonious to begin with.She quit her job and moved to Paris to be with me and our goal was to move to London.Nicole moved her things to Paris in late September 2014 but didn’t handle the transition very well.Our relationship deteriorated over a period of time.”

Mr Mueller said his wife had first attempted suicide by taking an overdose at some time in 2014, after he’d left their home to meet a friend.He said he called an ambulance after he returned home and found his then fiancee with a knife, pills and a note.
In another failed attempt just before their wedding, the statement said his wife had tried to hang herself.

 “She made another suicide attempt in January 2015, she tried hanging herself and the fixation point collapsed.Despite those events, we decided to follow through with our planned marriage which was on January 9 2015.”

After their wedding Ms Putney began looking for jobs in London and it wasn’t long before she accepted an offer but that led to additional strain in their relationship.

“In the following months, she started looking for jobs in London,She was offered one and we continued to have problems because I decided I would not quit my job in Paris straight away. We visited London on March 7. We had an argument and she told me she was going out to get a drink, then she text me saying she was going to jump in front of a train. “She was found and taken to an emergency care ward where she was hospitalised until 27 April.

Later that month and ten days before her death, Mr Meuller told the inquest that his wife had asked for a divorce.

“I received a very difficult telephone call when she asked me to get a divorce lawyer and get the papers.I didn’t know what to respond to her request. She contacted me several times before her death and we were texting.”

Huffington Post