Airport Attacks: ICAO President Meets Aviation Authorities

The President of International Civil Aviation Organisation ICAO Dr Olumuyiwa Bernard Aliu says the organisation has been engaging ministers of aviation globally in discussions in view of recent airport attacks to strengthen security across the globe.

Speaking in an interview with aviation reporters in Abuja after a dinner organized in his honour by the ministry of aviation, Dr Aliu said aviation security being a sensitive one, will not disclose the strategies to be implemented but he assured of collaborations with Nigeria in order to nip any threat in the bud as security was one of the critical issues in aviation.

According to the ICAO President, “Few months ago, I did send a team to do assessment in Nigeria and also in some neighbouring countries including Chad and Cameron”

Dr Aliu said ICAO was working very closely with the Nigerian College of Aviation Technology Zaria to transform the college to a regional training college of excellence as means of capacity building.

He said the level of infrastructural development and implementation has been encouraging.

On his challenges as the ICAO President,  Dr Aliu said one of the challenges was to see how to raise the level of implementation of ICAO standard of recommended international practices among member countries not withstanding their level of resources.

Dr Aliu declared that for Nigeria to be a hub, strong  indigenous carriers, developed and equipped airports to partner in order to make the country a hub.

He expressed the hope that with the determination of President Buhari to rid the nation of corruption that the country especially the aviation sector will bounce back as corruption has eaten deep into the system including the civil aviation in the country.

Aliu explained that with a professional as the minister of state for aviation, there was no doubt that the sector will be transformed soon especially by pulling ICAO resources together at the disposal of Nigeria to develop the aviation sector.

“We launched a campaign few years ago so that no country is left behind , the focus of which is to support our developing states, ICAO is an organization of 191 countries, some are very endowed and some are less endowed.  All the member states have to fulfill the same standard and recommended practices  there is no short cut . In doing that, we can not cover the whole 191 states, we have to work with regional offices. In Africa, Nigeria will be the number one candidate.”

Credit: DailyTimes

Church Fined In London For Noise Offences At 3am Says It Wont Stop Because That’s When Demons Are Active

A church which has been fined for noise offences caused by their 3am services say, they won’t stop – because that’s the time when “demons are active”.

The Kingdom Church in Camberwell, south London, faced a fine of £7,740.50 earlier this month after residents nearby complained about sleepless nights.

But the church leader has insisted that the “loud preaching” and “amplified music” on Saturday
mornings will go on because of their “religious beliefs”.

Bishop Climate Irungu says that they have worked on solving noise issues by soundproofing with a new floor and ceiling.

The nighttime is “the time when we’re dealing with spiritual things, when the spiritual world is busy. That’s the time when demons are more active, when people are asleep, that’s when they will come,” Irungu said.

The 41-year-old, who heads up 400 churches worldwide,says people come from far and wide to be helped by the services at the Pentecostal Kingdom Church with their troubles including sickness, financial hardship and “demonic soul ties”.

He said that hate mail from atheists and “people like witches and Satanists” will be dealt with by God.

“I’m hoping that people who have been mocking us, people speaking bad things – God is going to deal with them.”

“Our 3am service has helped hundreds of people whom have all shared their testimony about what God has done for them,” he said.

Chinese Mine Owner Commits Suicide After Deadly Collapse Of Mine

The owner of Chinese gypsum mine that collapsed Friday, killing one worker and leaving two dozen others trapped, committed suicide early Sunday, China’s state-run news service reported. The news service, Xinhua, identified the owner as Ma Congbo.

Ma was president of Yurong Commerce and Trade Ltd. Co. and owner of the mine in Shangdong Province, south of Bejing, the Associated Press reported.

Ma was working alongside hundreds of rescue workers when, at 2 a.m., he leaped into a well and
drowned, according to the AP and Xinhua.

The cause of the collapse, which occurred just before 8 p.m. Friday, remains under investigation, Xinhua reported. Four workers escaped and seven more were rescued; on Sunday, 17 workers remained trapped as emergency personnel tried to get them water, according to Xinhua.

The collapse came just days after a massive manmadelandslide in Shenzen killed one person and left 75 other people missing. After similar safety disasters, company officials are typically subject to severe punishment.

Presidential Villa Authorities Reject 253 DSS Officials

Authorities of the Presidential Villa, Abuja have rejected about 253 officials of the Department of State Services recently transferred to the Presidential Villa. Investigations on Wednesday revealed that the affected security operatives were deployed from different state commands of the DSS across the country.

According to their redeployment signals that emanated from the service’s National Headquarters, the officers were directed to report at the Presidential Villa last week Monday. They were said to have been directed to ensure that they return to their respective former duty posts across the country the following day (last week Tuesday).

One of the affected officials, who was transferred from one of the states in the South-West, said that all of them were left to their fate without any transfer allowance.

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