Red Alert: 5 Signs You’re About To Be Dumped

1. Phone calls become less frequent

Gone are the days when you used to fall asleep on the phone while whispering sweet nothings. Fast forward to a few months (or years) into the relationship, and you’re either rushed off the phone or sent straight to voicemail. Or, you used to get a response to your phone call or text messages right away, but now, you either don’t get a response at all, or it takes hours or days before you hear back. Nothing is wrong with your phone, you’re just lower on the priority list. In fact, you’re so low, you’re about to be dropped off the list altogether.

2. Conversations are like pulling teeth

Do you dread having a simple conversation? If communication has all but come to a standstill, it’s time to be worried. This is especially true when it comes to arguments. If you do or say something that would normally make your partner explode, but you’re met with silence, it could be that he or she just doesn’t care anymore. Your days are numbered.

3. There’s an increase in physical and emotional distance

Over time, you may start to notice your partner becoming physically and emotionally distant. The frequency of sex and intimate gestures such as hand-holding and sharing deep feelings may start to decline. A feeling of emotional coldness will slowly start to settle in the relationship. If this is happening, he or she probably wants out but doesn’t quite know how to break the news.

4. Your partner asks for space

Sometimes distance doesn’t gradually happen. There are times when your partner may come out and ask you for some breathing room. This is often a signal that your relationship is slowly going downhill. Someone who is in love will want to be with you more, not less. Requesting space likely means that your partner is either contemplating the next step in the relationship or is trying to let you down easy and plans to eventually disappear.

5. You have that sinking feeling

Sometimes you just know. You may be in denial, ignoring glaringly obvious signs, but often your gut will tell you that it’s just not going to work out. No matter how much you try to rationalize your honey’s behavior, it’s often best to just face reality, cut your losses, and move on. So hit the club or bar and drink up.


5 Signs He Is Never Going To Marry You

1. Discussions about marriage are avoided

If discussions about making your relationship more permanent are shut down before you can even get started, this is a red flag. A partner who just wants to have a casual relationship will not want to discuss the possibility of getting married or even talk about other people’s upcoming nuptials.

“If [your partner] won’t talk about sharing a future with you, the only thing you can conclude is that you are in a relationship without a long-term commitment. Whether [your significant other] loves you or not is a different kind of question. Love does not always lead to commitment, so an important thing for you to consider is how you feel about being in a just-for-right-now relationship and how long you wish to stay there,” said psychotherapist Lisa C. DeLuca.

2. You’re not in the future

If your partner talks about the future but you’re never mentioned in his or her plans, there’s a problem. Someone who is excited about your relationship and desires to spend a lifetime with you will make these intentions clear. Vague or nonexistent references to a future together are not a good sign if you have hopes of getting hitched. Relationship expert Evan Marc Katz says waiting too long for a commitment is just wasting time. There comes a point where you need to make a decision to stay or call it quits:

The only leverage you have is to walk away from [from your partner] and see if [he or she] follows. Sure, you can wait for another year. Sure, you can move in together…But this doesn’t give you what you’re looking for. This is just moving deck chairs around the Titanic, spinning wheels, making noise. These are just things that you might do to avoid breaking up, but they don’t ensure that you’ll be together forever.

3. Your partner runs hot and cold

If things are hot and spicy one minute and then ice cold the next, your partner could be playing games with you. If you never know quite where you stand when it comes to a long-term commitment, your significant other could be buying time or just having fun until someone else enters the picture.

 “Some [partners] lie about what they really feel for you and what their real plans are. They can break up with you at any given time, going from hot to cold in an instant. [They’ll] take you on an emotional rollercoaster ride and will make your love life a living hell,” said relationship expert Brian Nox.

4. You want different things

Do you want children but your partner doesn’t? Are you dead set on monogamy but your partner prefers polyamory? This is a big indicator that you are not going to be walking down the aisle any time soon. Your best bet is to find someone who is compatible and has goals that more closely align with yours.

5. Your partner tells you

The most obvious sign? Your partner tells you that marriage just isn’t in the cards. No matter what you do or say, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to change this decision. If you’re satisfied with dating indefinitely, then just accept it. However, if you know you’d like to settle down, this is your cue to move on.


5 Signs You Are Dating A Liar

1. A noticeable change in regular behavior

Although we’d like to think our loved ones couldn’t fool us, that’s not always the case. On the flip side, though, if you do know someone well, there’s a better chance you’ll be able to detect if he or she is lying. Ask Men says, “If she’s usually animated and a fast talker, but today she’s sitting with her arms crossed and speaking slowly, maybe there’s something you don’t know. If she rarely looks people in the eye and now she’s practically drilling your pupils with her stare, you may want to get the truth out of her.” When a person is lying, their behavior can be irregular, as they might be nervous, feeling guilty, or crafting the lie as they go. If your sweetie is acting off, something might be up.

2. Your partner has something to gain by acting against your interest

In a Psychology Today article, Marty Nemko, PhD discusses how you can tell who you can and cannot trust. “More important, I’d want to see if a person acts justly even when it’s inexpedient,” Nemko says. “This is especially key if the person has much to gain by acting against your interest and you’re unlikely to detect it.” In his example, Nemko recalls an experience he had in his own life in which his dentist recommended getting a crown. Suspicious, Nemko sought a second opinion. This dentist advised him that his tooth was fine and he hasn’t had any issues with his teeth. The point is the first dentist was being untruthful in order to benefit his business. Similarly, if your partner tries to convince you of something that doesn’t have your best interest in mind, yet presents a significant gain for him or her, you should be wary.

3. Verbal dodging

In her TED Talk, How to Spot a Liar, Pamela Meyer, author of Liespotting, delivers insightful tips on how to recognize deception. She explains verbal dodging is when a person uses formal language, rather than contractions, as well as distancing terms and phrases. Meyer uses Bill Clinton as an example, pointing out his choice of language as he denies his affair with infamous White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. In his claim, Clinton said, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman … Miss Lewinsky.” The takeaway here, Meyer says, is Clinton’s use of “did not,” rather than a less formal contraction, and “that woman,” rather than a reference that seems more familiar. If you’re trying to detect whether or not your partner isn’t being truthful, pay special attention to his or her language.

4. Withholding important information

When you’re seeking the truth, you want your partner to divulge important information that adds up. In an article for Inner Self, Dr. Riki Robbins, PhD, discusses the four stages of trust, one of which is damaged trust. Robbins says it’s in this stage that the people you love will violate your trust, and a common warning sign is withholding vital information. If you ask your partner where he or she was last night, you should expect an honest, straight-forward answer. If he or she responds with, “Nowhere special,” your partner might be hiding something.

5. A radical change in voice

When you spend enough time with someone, you get to know their behavior, mannerisms, and quirks pretty well, which means it’s easy recognize times they stray from such normalcy. In a Real Simple article, Gregg McCrary, retired FBI criminal profiler and crime analyst, said he first tries to assess how someone normally speaks. “Once I know which type of talker a person is, I start asking him questions that I don’t know the answer to. If his manner shifts abruptly — going from calm to agitated or lively to mellow — chances are he’s not telling the truth,” McCrary says. Because you’re already familiar with how your partner speaks and acts, be cautious when his or her delivery feels off.


5 Signs You’re Not Ready to Get Married

1. You’re selfish

A healthy marriage requires give and take. If you’re still hung up on your own needs and desires and don’t have room for anyone else in your life — other than you, yourself, and then you again — you might be better off alone. Why should someone spend their life only catering to you?

“From all social and economic backgrounds, across gender lines and cultural and religious groups, whether young or old, the most common obstacle to realizing the wonderful potential of our relationships comes from selfishness and self-absorption, which are, after all, two terms for the same thing: the out-of-control ego,” said Ted Dawson in Selfishness and Self-Absorption: How to Stop it from Ruining Your Relationships.

2. You have an unresolved past

Emotional baggage must be unpacked. One piece of luggage that must be handled: your ex. If you’re still not over a past love, it’s time to slow down. Also, if you have any ongoing issues like drug or alcohol addiction, or unresolved emotional wounds, it is imperative that you get help for this before asking someone to spend their life with you. While it is possible to work through these issues as a couple, it will likely add tremendous stress to a new marriage.

“Relationships where one or both people are affected by unresolved issues often tend to spiral down, so it’s best not to wait until there is so much anger and resentment that your relationship can’t be salvaged,” said Licensed Clinical Social Worker Josephine Ferraro.

 3. You like playing the field

If you’re hesitant to throw out your “Single and Ready to Mingle” T-Shirt from college, that may be a sign you’re not ready for a permanent tan line on your ring finger. Also, if your digital black book is so full that it crashes your smartphone, this should tell you something. There’s nothing wrong with having a full and active dating life, just remain transparent with everyone you’re being full and active with. Pretending to be exclusive with someone while sowing your wild oats with several other people isn’t the way to go. Come clean so that you can enjoy your freedom without the guilt.

4. You’re hiding a secret

If you’ve got an army of skeletons in your closet, you have two options: either fess up or keep your skeletons locked down and don’t get married. Your little secret will eventually turn into a big one. The white lies you tell today, if quietly snuck into a marriage, could transform into a messy divorce down the road.

5. You have doubts

The doubts could be about your partner or about the relationship in general. Either way, trust is an essential component of any relationship. If you don’t trust your partner, it will be difficult to maintain a lasting union.

Credit: cheatsheet

Break-Up Alert: 5 Signs You Are About To Be Dumped

1. Phone calls become less frequent

Gone are the days when you used to fall asleep on the phone while whispering sweet nothings. Fast forward to a few months (or years) into the relationship, and you’re either rushed off the phone or sent straight to voicemail. Or, you used to get a response to your phone call or text messages right away, but now, you either don’t get a response at all, or it takes hours or days before you hear back. Nothing is wrong with your phone, you’re just lower on the priority list. In fact, you’re so low, you’re about to be dropped off the list altogether.

 2. Conversations are like pulling teeth
Do you dread having a simple conversation? If communication has all but come to a standstill, it’s time to be worried. This is especially true when it comes to arguments. If you do or say something that would normally make your partner explode, but you’re met with silence, it could be that he or she just doesn’t care anymore. Your days are numbered. Over time, you may start to notice your partner becoming physically and emotionally distant. The frequency of sex and intimate gestures such as handholding and sharing deep feelings may start to decline. A feeling of emotional coldness will slowly start to settle in the relationship. If this is happening, he or she probably wants out but doesn’t quite know how to break the news.

4. Your partner asks for space
Sometimes distance doesn’t gradually happen. There are times when your partner may come out and ask you for some breathing room. This is often a signal that your relationship is slowly going downhill. Someone who is in love will want to be with you more, not less. Requesting space likely means that your partner is either contemplating the next step in the relationship or is trying to let you down easy and plans to eventually disappear.

5. You have that sinking feeling
Sometimes you just know. You may be in denial, ignoring glaringly obvious signs, but often your gut will tell you that it’s just not going to work out. No matter how much you try to rationalize your honey’s behavior, it’s often best to just face reality, cut your losses, and move on. So hit the club or bar and drink up.
