The groaning of child birth
Reminds me of mothers
All over the universe
Those who are still alive
Even those who have gone beyond
In pains, unbearable and excruciating
They long for the cry of their baby
Their discomfort notwithstanding
The innocent loud cry
Is more than a comfort to them
Nine months of determination
Nine months of perseverance
Nine months of heaviness
Still, they remain steadfast
Waiting for the arrival of their child
A child curdled in his/her mother’s arm
Unlike a child in the hand of an hiring
Can tell of how satisfying
That calm, and tender loving arms could be
It’s a place of comfort, an heaven on earth!
A child that enjoy motherly affection
Have a better story of life to tell
They who do not, mature in suffering
With their rights denied
And their hope, cloudy.
But how unfortunate is a motherless child?
Everyone voices to be her mother
Yet, nobody is ready to pick up her responsibility
A deceived child of all
Who is indeed a child of none.
What then is more unfortunate
For an innocent child to be mistreated
What then is more unfortunate
Than toying with his/her future
Creating more havoc than good.
The saying that a new born baby
Should not suffer evil in the market square
When the elders are present.
Is becoming an old saying
A mere codswallop and claptrap
For I have seen a new born child
Suffered humiliation in the hands of the elders
I have seen an innocent child
Disregarded by wicked hiring, called mothers
An heartless, irresponsible ones.
The same is the case of LAUTECH
With innocent sons and daughters
Who are students of the institution
They’ve suffered, in fact still suffering
In the hands of those who ought to curdle them.
Seven wasted months of industrial actions
A seven fold waste of destiny
Yet no one listen to the cry of this helpless baby, LAUTECH
Who will stand up for her?
Who will come to her rescue?
Enough, enough of this malady
Enough, enough of scattering
Enough, enough of irresponsibility
Let the womb that brought this child
Takes full responsibility of her.
Thousand of disciplined students
Across the country beg for the re-opening of her gate
Oh, helpless fearless LAUTECH
Normality will be restored to you
And your once upon a time integrity
LAUTECH is crying aloud,
She seeks for justice
Justice in all its ramifications
For it is only justice
That can remedy injustice, not time.
Pele Olabanji