JUST IN: FIFA proposes 2-year ban for Nigeria’s Amos Adamu.

A former FIFA executive committee member, Amos Adamu, is set for a second ban from football after indictment in various ethics code violations.

The 63-year-old Nigerian was formerly president of the West African Football Union, WAFU, and an executive member of both FIFA and the African football confederation, CAF, before losing those roles when he was given a three-year ban for bribery regarding his votes for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups.

FIFA have now proposed another two-year ban from the sport for Mr. Adamu following a 21-month investigation; although details of the exact charges have not been revealed.

“In its final report, the investigatory chamber recommends a sanction of a two-year ban from all football-related activities and a fine of 20,000 Swiss francs (£15,700) for violations of arts 13, 15 and 19 of the FIFA code of ethics,” read a statement from world football’s governing body.

“The adjudicatory chamber under its chairman Hans-Joachim Eckert has studied the report carefully and decided to institute formal adjudicatory proceedings against Mr Adamu.”

Mr. Adamu was not allowed to take part in the vote for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups after being exposed by an undercover sting from the Sunday Times.

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