I Love WikiLeaks, Trump Says Over Clinton’s Emails Leak

US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump says he “loves” whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks for its latest revelations about Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

The New York businessman made the comments during a campaign event on Monday, days after a series of leaked emails revealed Clinton’s disconnection from the struggles of the middle class and her behind-the-scenes advocacy for the further prosperity of Wall Street and big corporations – contrary to her campaign rhetoric.

“I love WikiLeaks,” Trump told thousands of his supporters in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. “It’s amazing how nothing is secret today when you talk about the Internet.”

“In a speech behind closed doors, ‘Crooked Hillary’ said, ‘Terrorism is not a big threat to our nation,’” the candidate continued. “Terrorism is a big, big threat. We are riding into something very dangerous.”

“In another closed-door speech, she wanted to have open borders and open trade with everybody. There go the rest of your jobs,” he added.

The comments prompted prolonged “Lock her up!” chants from the crowd.

Read More: presstv

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