Kanye West Thinks “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” Deserves Emmys, All Of The Emmys

Kanye West recently sat down for a nearly two-hour-long interview with SHOWStudio, in a “live and unedited broadcast” as part of the site’s “In Camera” series.

Consider this prep for his presidential debates in a few years’ time; of course, he’s already a most talented orator, and offered many of the quintessential Kanye sound bites that we all know will inspire his electorate come 2020.

In other art forms Kanye believes get short shrift, he picked out the reality TV genre, and shows like Keeping Up With the Kardashians specifically.  Reality TV is “?so fucking new of an art form?,” Kanye argues, adding, “?My wife and my family should’ve had plenty of Emmys by now but reality shows are considered to be like rap was when the Mondrian [Hotel] wouldn’t let Run DMC and motherfucking Will Smith stay there because they were rappers.” Of KUWTK, he added that “everybody I know watches it,” even if some people probably only told him that to be polite.

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