A popular British TV series, the Last Chance Salon, is a programme that focuses on real people with real medical problems who have tried previously to correct these problems without success. They are given a final chance to correct the problems or live with them for the rest of their lives. Arguably, Nigeria has been suffering from leadership problems since 1966, and has tried a couple of times to get rid of the problems but has failed to do so on each attempt.
God Almighty has presented 2015 general elections to us as our ‘Last Chance Salon’. I fear that if we miss this opportunity the Almighty will be angry with us and His wrath shall be felt through Mr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan‘s second term in office. We, Nigerians, cannot afford to squander this opportunity presented to us to make the needed change and find a cure for our collective problems in 2015.
We must not dismiss the divine touch and feel the 2015 elections took when Rev. Ejike Mbaka, who had earlier endorsed and given holy blessings for continuity to this present Jonathan administration, made a sharp U-turn to vehemently condemn this same administration. He even sounded impatient to wait for the administration to quickly leave power and not to contemplate seeking another four years in power, as it will be calamitous.
What the Rev. saw, I don’t know. What I know for sure is that this year’s election has a divine feel to it, it was the voice of God we heard when former President Olusegun Obasanjo in his book, “My Watch”, said he would rather see a Buhari win and take him to jail than see a Goodluck return as president. It was also the voice of God that we heard when finally former president, IBB, agreed that he institutionalized corruption in Nigeria. IBB went further to say that the government officials of his administration were saints compared to what we have today.
Nigerians have examined GEJ for the last 6 years and have seen and felt the change he promised he would bring. Change in which stealing is not corruption, change in which presidential pardon is extended to persons who milk our country’s resources dry, change in which sixteen (16) is certainly greater than (nineteen) 19, change in which our security forces have fallen from heroes to zeros, the kind of change in which the rich compete to buy the most luxurious private planes and the poor are gifted cooking stoves because they cant afford to buy one. Not even the renowned magician Harry Houdini in his prime would have attempted what our president pulled off. “Whoola!” $20 Billion disappears. If this is the kind of change Nigerians wanted and expected from this administration that promised a breath of fresh air, let Nigerians vote for this same government again in 2015.
The change we need lies in Nigerians. Are we ready to be governed by competent, committed and a serious leader? A Leader who won’t mortgage our lives and collective interests over a bottle of beer, a Leader who can attack and crush insurgency before it consumes all of us, a Leader who is not lackluster, a Leader whose disposition radiates confidence and national pride should be the expediency of the moment. Although, sweeping changes can’t come over night, but I feel after 16 years of the PDP (mis)-led government, Nigeria and Nigerians are ripe for this fundamental change. Brace yourself! Change is coming.
Views Expressed Are Solely Author’s…