I Want to Marry Her, But Her Family…

Hi guys, I love this girl but her entire family is just… not going down well with me. I have had my reservations about Queen (Her name is Queen) but I feel we have come a long way and I finally asked her to marry me; but after meeting the entire family… I just don’t know again.

Besides, Queen is completely an opposite of me. She hates internet, anti- social network; which was why I gave her name cos she will never find out. She believes it is devilish.

This same girl is educated with a degree in Pharmaceutical Science but a little kind of laid back. She is not even on facebook. I am mostly embarrassed to carry her along when my friends are hanging out with their babes. Not that she is not beautiful but she is very conservative and extremely principled and skeptic about almost everything, aside the fact that she wins every argument.

That not withstanding, her family is just my main problem now. Meeting them based on introduction things, I discovered her father is twice as conservative as she is and her mum is 10 times more skeptical than the father. We were having men’s discussion with the father and I had not finished dealing with his tough questions about my family tree, her mum just bumped in asking me if I’ll get a salary raise anytime soon.

Now to make matters worse, her two younger sisters are like from a different world. God forgive me oh, but I could swear they are runs girls. I know Queen’s parents are not wealthy, cos her they are retired civil servants and she has asked me for some money several times to assist her in school; but her 2 sisters were holding very expensive phones; not just one or two. And at this point, I’m kind of confused cos I’m of the opinion that her parents are strict.

These girls were now behaving as if I wasn’t in the house. None of them greeted me and the parents did  not caution them about it. Right now I am not sure if I want to involve her family in my life, because marrying her is as good as marrying her family, which i couldn’t connect with. I am looking for answers cos breaking up is like an impossible option.

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