#SmartStart Politico: How Dare You Mr. President – When last did You Think? ~ Steven Haastrup

I write with no apologies, I write with no regrets. I am even excited doing this. In clarification to any offended mind, this letter isn’t for you, it is for my President! The President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, voted by the people and empowered by the constitution which is of the people. I am speaking to the Servant-In-Chief whom the Nigerian people have entrusted chiefly with the responsibility of directing the affairs of the Nigerian state.

I am Haastrup Steven Adeshope and I am a Nigerian.

Section 14, Subsection 2(b) of the Nigerian Constitution states that… “The security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of Government”

Mr. President, we empowered you and not the first lady; She is first because we made you our President. Mr. President, when the nation needed to hear the voice of the Nigerian president, you didn’t show up until after 20 days. Where were you? Who is Patience? Why insult the already heartbroken Nigerian populace? “How dare you?” Who answers to Patience? She is constitutionally nothing! Incompetency and the rogue nature of your government empowered her. No one voted her, so we don’t need her handling Presidential issues.

Even after you spoke yesternight, summarily we couldn’t spot what your thinking was, 2015 or we Nigerians? Remember we put you there, you might have the cup as you’ve said yesternight but we wouldn’t back down on our criticism of your government which has failed in its primary responsibility of providing quality security and welfare for the people. You are pushing Nigerians and it seem you don’t care about how pressed we are.

You say we criticize you, you say we hate you, you say we are against the South-South, you say we don’t like your wife and family but the truth is that I know that majority of Southwesterners were Obasanjo’s worst enemies. We didn’t spare him, ask him. We didn’t vote him, check the records. You even said yesternight that “it pains you when one Nigerian dies” but the day after the Nyaya bomblast, you danced joyfully at a PDP political campaign in Kano and you think that’s not insensitive? How dare you? You are President!

When it comes to National issues, let’s stay on course and not point fingers, we want your fingers pointing at the solution and not the opposition except if the solution abides with them. You even summarily pointed out yesterday that we are all dumb to believe $20 Billion was missing and “America Knows It When We Steal”. Actually we are not all dumb; we are all not partakers of the rot as you might think.

Summarily, Mr. President… We need a Commander-In-Chief, we need you to be sincere with us for once, lies can be easily told but in our age of technology and fast reference, the truth sticks around longer. Don’t blame the social media, it’s the basic voice for the ordinary Nigerian citizen and I hope you love what we do even though you think you have bought up our best hands but actually you bought the dumbest.

Lest I forget, rescue our girl’s alive, stop throwing blames as you even did to the parents of those girls yesterday night. Committees can’t, only a sincere, insightful and proactive action could have gotten them back but you can still save this by playing open and most sincere to Nigerians. You need to apologize to Nigerians for your incompetency (Reference: South Korea PM). You can’t claim to be silently working on Nigeria’s best interest because you were voted a leader of people and not a ruler of slaves.

God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

(You should share this article. Let’s make the Presidency get this. Scroll down. It’s just a click away)

I am Steven Haastrup, a StartUp Management Consultant, a Public Speaker and Writer

He tweets @StevenHaastrup

The audio version of this article in voice by @StevenHaastrup couldn’t be made available this week. Apologies.

#SmartStart runs on Omojuwa.com every Monday.

The views expressed above are solely that of the author and not of Omojuwa.com or its associates.

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